Regional Socio-Economic Development

EURADRIA 2024 2026

The Project “EURADRIA 2024-2026”, aims at stimulating the movement of workers within the cross-border region “EURADRIA”, through the promotion of the development of the European labour market, the cross-border exchange of job offers and applications, the exchange of information regarding the European labour markets with reference also to living


TAMSALL overall objective is to strengthen the institutional and administrative capacity of Libyan National and Local Public Institutions, to foster the public administration efficiency and competencies in planning and implementing public administrative functions according to a multilevel governance process. This implies the reinforcement of MoLG and Presidency Council capacity

EURADRIA 2020 2021

EURADRIA project aims at supporting the mobility in the Italian-Slovenian cross-border area, guaranteeing a qualified assistance service for workers and businesses. The virtual and physical spaces, fully renovated and dedicated to the cross-border already operating on the Italian and Slovenian territories, are now focused on solving some specific obstacles


The Italy – Slovenia Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 will apply the approach outlined in Art. 36 of the EU Reg. 1303/2013. ITI will constitute a significant implementation tool for the area comprised within the municipalities of Gorizia (IT), Nova Gorica and Šempeter-Vrtojba (SLO). ITI will be mono-fund but plury-axis since


The project aims to increase the capacity of cluster management excellence according to the guidelines and tools developed by the European Cluster Excellence initiatives by the means of benchmarking, training and certification of participant clusters. The structure of the different phases of the project follows a vertical logic providing


The area of intervention of PARTeN is the Northern Iraqi Kurdistan. PARTeN’s purpose is to intervene in this area focusing on six cultural-scientific objectives: 1)      Excavation aimed to obtain a complete and well stratified occupational sequence, that covers the period from prehistory to iron age; 2)      Study of paleo-environment