Settore: Agriculture and Fishing



The objective of our project is to strengthen European competitiveness through the advancement of innovation in the agri-food sector. We intend to achieve this objective by adding value to the Italian-Slovenian agri-food chains through the transfer of biotechnological solutions activating cross-border collaboration between the public and private partnership and to create synergetic developments throughout the […]


Twinning MK 19 IPA AG 01 21

Twinning MK 19 IPA AG 01 21

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to protection of human, animal and plant health, and the environment, as well as to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of domestic production of plants and plant products, which have been regulated by the phytosanitary part of Chapter 12 of the European Union acquis. In the […]


BA 18 IPA AG 03 19

BA 18 IPA AG 03 19

The purpose of the project is to modernise and restructure agroindustrial sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), including economic empowerment of life in rural areas. In particular, the project is aimed to advance the level of policies implemented and of the Union acquis aligned legislation that could support the improvement of the overall sector level […]


GE 16 ENI EC 03 18

GE 16 ENI EC 03 18

The overall objective of the project is to support development of Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications (GIs) system in Georgia through creation of effective supporting tools with the provisions of the European Union’s GIs protection system. The purpose of the project is to assist National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia – Sakpatenti, together with […]




PATH-DEV project aims to  develope local sustainable economic of the fishing sector; create and implement training and teaching activities for strengthening capacities and know-how of local technical experts and private actors of the fishing sector. The planned activities are various: Training in Italy of Libyan technical experts for evaluation of material and immaterial assets of […]




Capitalization of agriculture heritage in Dubrovnik-Herzegovina cross-border area. This objective is aiming to strengthen “internal” regional agriculture capacities, promote innovative approaches for typical agriculture sector and provide support to the rural SMEs and farms so they will be competitive and ready to respond to the market demands and obtain higher incomes. Stimulating access to regional […]


Twinning BA 12/IB/AG 01

Twinning BA 12/IB/AG 01

The main goal of the project is the development of a sustainable phytosanitary sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and its gradual alignment with the acquis institutional and regulatory requirements and standards. More in detail, the project wishes to enable phytosanitary services to create and implement BIH plant health regime, seed and propagating material policy, plant […]




The project aims to the valorization of autochthonous wine and horticultural species depending on the specificity of the target territories. This objective will be fulfilled through the transfer of know-how and the analysis of best practices of the regional territory. Moreover, the project purpose is to provide with tools for the development of the rural […]




The project sets in the framework of the cooperation activities among Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, County of Osijek Baranja and Autonomous Province of Vojvodina – Vertical Action 3A “Transgrowth” of the Programme “SEENET – A trans-local network for the cooperation between Italy and South East Europe”. During the implementation of the activities concerning the wine-oenological […]




The main objective is the sustainable development of tourism in cross boarder rural area, based on the link among the typical local products and food, the natural richness and all existing thematic itineraries. Operative goals are: Objective 1: to preserve and develop typical agricultural and fish food of the cross boarder area. Objective 2: to […]


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