Settore: Cluster



The objective of our project is to strengthen European competitiveness through the advancement of innovation in the agri-food sector. We intend to achieve this objective by adding value to the Italian-Slovenian agri-food chains through the transfer of biotechnological solutions activating cross-border collaboration between the public and private partnership and to create synergetic developments throughout the […]


Fifth Newsletter of S3UNICA project is out

Fifth Newsletter of S3UNICA project is out

The fifth S3UNICA newsletter focuses on different topics, namely the changes in the academic world in these last years of the pandemic, the approach of the institutions and university campuses to greening, and the activities implemented by the project partners in this last semester. Informest supports the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region, Lead Partner of the project. The whole document […]

Cluster CCI

Cluster CCI

The Culture and Creativity Cluster of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region aims to create, qualify and grow the culture and creativity of Friuli Venezia Giulia through innovation and knowledge. The Culture and Creativity Cluster is aimed at: representing and consolidating the multifaceted reality of regional cultural and creative enterprises; improving the visibility and attractiveness of […]




SMATH project aims to improve the quality and quantity of connections between the publicy oriented domain of culture and the business oriented domain of creativity. SMATH intends to generate and strengthen “Smart Atmospheres” able to support the start-up and the development of SMEs in the CC sector facilitating the access to “culture factories” and value […]




ChIMERA’s main objective is to improve innovation capacities of public and private actors of the cultural and creative industry (CCI) sector in participating regions and in MED area through strengthened transnational cooperation and connections among companies, research bodies, public authorities and civil society. Its purpose is pursued thanks to an integrated approach developed at both […]




CRE:HUB project aims to develop and refine instruments and policies in order to support at regional and European level the creation of new SMEs in the cultural and creative field, one of the most innovative business sector that can effectively increase regional competiveness and job creation capacity in the areas in which the CC enterprises […]




The project aims to increase the capacity of cluster management excellence according to the guidelines and tools developed by the European Cluster Excellence initiatives by the means of benchmarking, training and certification of participant clusters. The structure of the different phases of the project follows a vertical logic providing a general supervision of the accreditation […]


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