ICT and innovation


The CLASS 4.0 project (approved under the capitalization tender of the Interreg Italy – Croatia 2014 – 2022 Program – Priority Axis “Blue Innovation”), aims to improve the framework conditions for cross-border innovation by maximizing and enhancing the experiences and results obtained from the implementation of projects previously financed


ChIMERA’s main objective is to improve innovation capacities of public and private actors of the cultural and creative industry (CCI) sector in participating regions and in MED area through strengthened transnational cooperation and connections among companies, research bodies, public authorities and civil society. Its purpose is pursued thanks to


Project objectives: spreading and development of the knowledge of the R&D system of the   Kragujevac area among the most important actors of the institutional, research and economic system by the definition of a deeper and more objective analysis of the points of strength of the  territory; support to the


SEE Digi.TV aims to speed-up the digitalization of the broadcasting services,including the largest number of stakeholders, especially broadcasters and industry. On a long term, the project aims to solve issues of digital divide and social inclusion and thus will contribute to the creation of the region of equal opportunities.

Turkey TLC

The project has the general objective to promote and sustain the development of the regional economic system in Turkey, with particular attention to the sector of technologies and telecommunications (ICT), with the aim to strengthen economic and institutional relations among the two territories and support the local productive system


The general objective of the project is the strengthening of competitiveness of SMEs in the cross border area through the development of cooperation activities and the creation of networks among enterprises, with the general aim to develop competitiveness of the cross border territory toward the global market. Specific objectives:


“Innoweek” – the week of Innovation, Science and Technology in Novi Sad, is a project financed by the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia and coordinated by Informest, whose aim is to represent in a serie of events and meetings in Vojvodina’s main city, the Friuli Venezia Giulia ‘s regional system


Objectives: Contribute to the creation of a trans-national system of innovation Develop the role of development agencies in the innovation regional systems enforcement Diffuse and capitalize the lessons of the EU Regional Plans for Innovation (RPIAs)  Activities: Creation and consolidation of the local and trans-national network; Knowledge sharing on