Environment - Energy


The project aims to transfer the knowledge accumulated over several decades in the region to initiate an action for the protection and enhancement of environmental resources in the municipality of Zavidovici and the Brcko District (Bosnia and Herzegovina) through improved management of municipal solid waste.Following an initial collaboration with


The project intends to support local public authorities of the Mediterranean area in in the development of deep energy requalification projects for public buildings, optimizing access to innovative financial mechanisms that make these energy projects bankable in the private market. The “SISMA Set Tool“, an evaluation tool that carries


The general objective of the project is to implement concrete and joint interventions that allow to address the phenomenon of marine Litter from different points of view and methods of intervention. The project therefore puts into effect concrete actions of monitoring, management, prevention and removal of the marine litter


S3 UNICA – Smart Specialization University Campus project aims at emphasizing the role of Universities in regional innovation policies, by providing specialist research and technical expertise in the field of energy sustainable buildings and by offering campuses as a hands-on lab where to implement these innovative solutions. Universities involved


PROSPECT2030 tackles the challenges related to the transition towards a low-carbon economy and the adoption of climate change mitigation policies that all Central Europe Regions are facing. The project is based on the belief that Regions should be the hub for a radical rethink of public fund use and


PEPSEA project aims at developing an adequate and prompt intervention system in case of incidental sea pollution in Adriatic enclosed parts of the sea. Project objectives are: to outline detailed contingency plans for sea pollution risk and incidents; to find proper solutions and equipment to intervene in the different


The project aims at empowering local policy-makers to enable climate-smart governance approaches and promote sustainable living in Adriatic marine and coastal areas. RESPONSe will provide the tools to foster effective policy-making on climate adaptation at local level and support strategic decision-making on how best to address the effects of


SECAP is a strategic project for the cross-border area Italy-Slovenia. It was born to jointly address the issue of climate change in place, in order to find unified and shared solutions to mitigate the effects and reduce the vulnerability of the territories. Indeed, the project wants to create a


Objectives The overall objective is to support the GPP-STREAM partners to transfer the lessons learnt to all implementation phases of the policy instruments addressed and to create a community of stakeholders that can mainstream GPP practices.The sub-objectives include: Identify, collect and share best practices and support tools for the