Smart Specialisation University Campus

S3 UNICA – Smart Specialization University Campus project aims at emphasizing the role of Universities in regional innovation policies, by providing specialist research and technical expertise in the field of energy sustainable buildings and by offering campuses as a hands-on lab where to implement these innovative solutions.

Universities involved in the project can contribute to regional knowledge exchange and its translation into innovative energy products, solutions and public/private services.

Type of service

S3UNICA promotes the symbiosis with regional territory and capitalizes the experience of “Smart Campus” project, implementing the following activities:

  • improve the energy efficiency of University Campus buildings and infrastructures;
  • develop of innovative solutions throughout the value chain associated to energy saving and smart grid developments;
  • define a common methodology, using the new Energy Performance of Buildings directive and its Smart Readiness Indicator.

Moreover, being S3 an ex-ante conditionality to access Cohesion Policy funds, S3UNICA contributes to the foreseen “entrepreneurial discovery” process to influence regional policy, starting from University achievements and involving all the quadruple helix actors: S3UNICA can count on the involvement S3P Partnership on Sustainable Buildings, which currently includes 45 public administrations and the participation of different stakeholders from the industrial sector and civil society.

Informest supports the Regional Administration and the regional Universities of Udine and Trieste in the management, communication and dissemination activities.

News and documents

Fifth Newsletter of S3UNICA project is out

Fifth Newsletter of S3UNICA project is out

The fifth S3UNICA newsletter focuses on different topics, namely the changes in the academic world in these last years of the pandemic, the approach of the institutions and university campuses to greening, and the activities implemented by the project partners in this last semester. Informest supports the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region, Lead Partner of the project. The whole document […]

Everything is ready for the fifth Exchange of Experience of S3UNICA project

Everything is ready for the fifth Exchange of Experience of S3UNICA project

The fifth and penultimate S3UNICA Exchange of Experience will take place next Wednesday, 21st October from 12.00 to 14.30 and it will host different experts in the fild from Regional agencies and universities. The event will be organized and realized by the project partner “Alba Local Energy Agency” and it will be focused on the support to the local […]

-48 hours to S3UNICA 2nd Exchange of Experience

-48 hours to S3UNICA 2nd Exchange of Experience

The Andalusian Energy Agency and the University of Malaga are pleased to invite you to the second S3UNICA Exchange of Experience that will be hold on ZOOM on Wednesday, 27th from 9:30 to 12:00 (C.E.T.): we will have the possibility to discover more about the Best Practices in the Andalusian Region among direct evidence of different realities. To […]

General information

Start date: 01/08/2019
End date: 31/07/2023

Role: Subcontracting

Website: https://www.interregeurope.eu/s3unica/

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