The project aims to increase the capacity of cluster management excellence according to the guidelines and tools developed by the European Cluster Excellence initiatives by the means of benchmarking, training and certification of participant clusters. The structure of the different phases of the project follows a vertical logic providing a general supervision of the accreditation path of participant cluster, starting from the initial benchmark up to the Gold Label. A specific activity will be dedicated to outline a regional strategy on cluster governance to ensure the sustainability of project results and to expand the positive impacts achieved to other regional clusters.
Based on the call for proposal main purposes and requested tasks to be fulfilled, the project should be developed according to an already outlined path:

a) Training of staff on cluster organization assessment through the use of the benchmarking tool
b) Identification of 6 cluster in the regions concerned that will be involved as “tester” for the application of the benchmarking tool developed by ESCA
c) Training of the staff (same that in point a ) to become cluster instructor
d) Training addressed to cluster managers of selected cluster
e) A Road Map for excellence: labeling of at least 3 clusters at gold level
f) Sustainability and Follow-up: a common strategy towards the excellence of clusters

The project expected outcomes are:

– Improvement of internal staff knowledge and skills concerning excellent cluster development
– Improvement of the quality of services provided by cluster organization thanks to the “commitment to excellence” pursued by labeling process
– Better focus on smart specialization at regional level
– Reciprocal learning on cluster governance structures and development of functional linkages among clusters involved

Type of service

– Benchmarking the performance of the cluster according to the criteria of the European Commission and the Secretariat of the European Cluster
– Certification process at two levels (Bronze and Gold)
– Specialized training for cluster managers trageted to the real needs of the regional clusters, supported by a study visit
– Participation in the training for “Cluster instructor” promoted by the European Commission through the establishment of clusters.
– Drafting a strategy for clusters at the regional level

News and documents

Clus3 project keeps going toward excellence

Clus3 project keeps going toward excellence

Thanks to Informest and Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia’s support and collaboration Friuli Venezia Giulia regional cluster have been awarded by ESCA with Bronze-Label last November. The new objective is to reach the “Gold Label” for DITENAVE by the end of the year. The Cluster Excellence Initiative is an European Commission’s action aiming at supporting […]

Toward regional clusters excellence: Friuli’s regional clusters achieve the Bronze Label

Toward regional clusters excellence: Friuli’s regional clusters achieve the Bronze Label

Within the Cluster Excellence Initiative – European Commission’s action aiming at supporting European clusters in a path of network’s comparison, improvement and strengthen in order to be competitive on the global market – Friuli’s regional cluster have been Bronze-Label awarded by ESCA thanks to Informest and Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia’s support and collaboration. ESCA […]

General information

Start date: 01/01/2014
End date: 05/02/2016

Role: Lead Partner

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