The project sets in the framework of the cooperation activities among Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, County of Osijek Baranja and Autonomous Province of Vojvodina – Vertical Action 3A “Transgrowth” of the Programme “SEENET – A trans-local network for the cooperation between Italy and South East Europe”.
During the implementation of the activities concerning the wine-oenological sector, the territories belonging to the County of Osjek Baranja and Autonomous Province of Vojvodina have frequently highlighted the necessity of being supported in the sector of the cultivation of autochthonous species of wine and in the services addressed to producers.
In a continuum with the activities already carried out within the Programme SEENET, the present initiative aims to improve the value of autochthonous species, in the rural areas, through the improvement of qualitative standards for products and processes, also in order to strengthen the dialogue and the sharing of ideas among the different institutes of research. In this way the project intends to foster a sustainable local development of the involved areas by activating virtuous mechanisms of interchange in the field of research, production, international cooperation and strengthening of the capacity of the Public Administration in the government of policy for rural development.
The transfer of instruments, know-how, methods and techniques will enable the enhancement of competencies for the beneficiaries, ensuring therefore an adequate ownership of results and consequently a remarkable positive impact in the long term.
The general objective is the correct exploitation of the autochthonous, wine-oenological species in the area of the County of Osijek Baranja and the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina through the support in the re-adjustment of qualitative standards of products and the strengthening of the network among institutes of research.
The project aims to foster the sustainable, local development of the involved areas by activating profitable and useful interchange mechanisms in the field of:
– research
– production
– international cooperation
– increase of the development policy in the rural area from the side of the Public Institutions
The specific objectives of the project are:
– strengthening of the collaboration among international research institutes
– transference of technical and scientific know-how
– increase of the influence of local public administration
Direct beneficiaries:
– local producers of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and County of Osijek-Baranija
– Associations of producers
– Universities and R&D Centers
– Local economical system
Indirect beneficiaries:
– Local Administration of the County of Osijek and Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
– Operators of the satellite job of the wine-oenological sector
– Students, teachers, researchers, technicians of the wine-oenological sector
– Local population
Expected results:
– Selection of species that can resist to the main cryptogam
– Protocols/Agreements among the University of Udine, the University of Novi Sad and the University of Osijek
– New systems/instruments for the laboratories of the R&D institutes
– New services for the producers
– Transfer of technological and scientific know-how in Vojvodina and Osijek
– Transfer of know-how in the field of the European project management
– Database with financial sources for the support of the rural development
– Improvement of the interchange between the territory and the local administration
Type of service
The project idea comes from the needs of territories and institutions gathered during the implementation of activities concerning the food farming sector, that are foreseen by Priority Axis 3 of the decentralized cooperation program SEENET. Informest is the technical partner of the leader institution: Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia. It was decided to focus on transference of knowhow aimed to improve the autochthonous wine producing, keeping in consideration the relationship between wine-growing vocation and local territories involved as well as the influence on local economy.
The transference of knowledge envisages a joint activity of experimentation and selection of more resistant plants, the promotion of the associative concept aimed at the improvement of the production’s qualitative image and the renew of instrumentations and laboratories’ machines in order to provide services to be used not only in academic area but also in daily activities and by every single manufacturer..
The project aims to provide a support to local public administration for an adjustment with reference to specific needs and requests of European markets, improving competences and instruments of local authorities in order to have access to European funds for agriculture.
The initiative intends to give continuity to the scientific collaboration, started in these last years among the Faculty of Agriculture of University of Udine, University of Osijek and Novi Sad. The object is the stipulation of an agreement and a joint education plan, that will ensure the international and inter-university mobility of students, researchers, teachers and technicians that work in the wine-growing sector.