Category: Events

DIVA pitch event in Ljubljana

DIVA pitch event in Ljubljana

On September 14th, the Slovenian partners of the DIVA project carried out the “DIVA pitch” event, which had the aim of presenting selected pilot projects that come from the Slovenian area. The event took place in Ljubljana at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Representatives of six pilot projects briefly presented their project ideas, and […]

More than two hundred attendees to the final conference of Interreg Europe “CRE:HUB” project

More than two hundred attendees to the final conference of Interreg Europe “CRE:HUB” project

Last 23rd February the Final Conference “Culture and creativity: opportunities, future challenges and development scenarios” took place online. The event was organized and realized by Basilicata Region and saw the participation of different personalities and authorities of the Basilicata Region, the Interreg Europe Programme and the members of CRE:HUB partnership. They presented the goals and […]

Final conference for CRE:HUB project

Final conference for CRE:HUB project

The final conference of the Interreg Europe CRE: HUB Project will be held online next Tuesday 23th February from 09.30 to 13.30. It will be the opportunity to discover the results achieved in all the involved territories and the present and future support activities dedicated to cultural and creative enterprises.Attendees will also have the possibility to […]

-48 hours to S3UNICA 2nd Exchange of Experience

-48 hours to S3UNICA 2nd Exchange of Experience

The Andalusian Energy Agency and the University of Malaga are pleased to invite you to the second S3UNICA Exchange of Experience that will be hold on ZOOM on Wednesday, 27th from 9:30 to 12:00 (C.E.T.): we will have the possibility to discover more about the Best Practices in the Andalusian Region among direct evidence of different realities. To […]

RESPONSe project in 2021

RESPONSe project in 2021

The first meeting for 2021 of the project Interreg Italy-Croatia RESPONSe opened yesterday with good news: the municipality of Montemarciano, a pilot area in Marche region, also joined the Covenant of Mayors for Climate&Energy last December. Along with Lignano Sabbiadoro, two of six RESPONSe pilot areas officially join the European initiative that commits participants to […]

SMATH final video is finally online

SMATH final video is finally online

During the SMATH final Conference, organised by Veneto Region and held online last 10th – 11th December, two videos prepared by our partner “TVT Innovation – Toulon Provence Méditerranée Metropolitan Economic Development Agency” were shown for the first time in public. Videos are available at these following links:––   Enjoy the videos!

CREATURES joins the ADRION thematic cluster on Tourism

CREATURES joins the ADRION thematic cluster on Tourism

On the 4th of December 2020, the CREATURES project represented by the Lead Partner, the Metropolitan City of Bologna, has joined the thematic Cluster “Towards sustainability in cultural and natural tourism destinations” composed by the relevant projects financed by the ADRION programme.  CREATURES project is excited to join the cluster and contribute to its valuable goals!

CROSSINNO Project –Study visit

CROSSINNO Project –Study visit

Last 29th November, a special digital study visit entitled “Culture and business: study visit of the CROSSINNO EU-funded project” was held, organised within the CROSSINNO project funded by the Interreg Italy-Austria. Four different case studies of enterprises that were able to combine traditional manufacturing with creativity were presented during the event: Bonotto, Lavanderia Adriatica, 3MC […]

RESPONSe: the second Newsletter is online

RESPONSe: the second Newsletter is online

The second Newsletter has just been published on the RESPONSe website. The main focus are the abstract of the scientific speeches, presented during the mid-term conference, held last October 20th, and the analyzes and simulations emerging from the  meteorological and oceanographic data, collected in the period 1961-2018. The analyzes and simulations are the basis on […]

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