Category: DIVA

Cross-border DIVA event for pilot projects

Cross-border DIVA event for pilot projects

On Wednesday, December 1, we held the crossborder “Launch and networking event”, attended by representatives of DIVA pilot projects. A welcome speech by Valeria Bazzan (CCIAA Venezia Rovigo) and an introduction speech by moderator Corrado Campobasso (Informest), was followed by a Mario Ciaramitaro (IUAV), Peter Purg (UNG) and Mija Lorbek (DIVA HUB Unit – Ekscenter) […]

“DIVA pitching” event in Venice

“DIVA pitching” event in Venice

On Monday 18th October in Venice during the “Diva creative hub pitching event” Veneto HUB representatives met for the first time the Veneto representatives of the SME-CCI collaboration pilot projects selected with the DIVA Open Call!  The reporting and presentation rules have been presented. For more info, visit the Veneto Creative Hub website: Tecnologia-che-nasce-dalla-cultura/

DIVA Pitch event for pilot projects from FVG

DIVA Pitch event for pilot projects from FVG

On Wednesday, October 6, DIVA project partners from Friuli Venezia Giulia organized an online event at which 7 pilot projects from FVG were presented. Following a welcoming address by Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, the representatives of DIVA Hub FVG illustrated the support offered by the same hub. After that, each project team introduced themselves […]

DIVA Open call – guidelines for financed project

DIVA Open call – guidelines for financed project

Guidelines and templates to be used for reporting and project modification of financed projects are available. We invite beneficiaries to read carefully the guidelines, to use the downloadable materials and to ask the support of HUBs representative for the project implementation.

DIVA pitch event in Ljubljana

DIVA pitch event in Ljubljana

On September 14th, the Slovenian partners of the DIVA project carried out the “DIVA pitch” event, which had the aim of presenting selected pilot projects that come from the Slovenian area. The event took place in Ljubljana at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Representatives of six pilot projects briefly presented their project ideas, and […]

Project DIVA on a scientific publication

Project DIVA on a scientific publication

On Monday 30 August has been published in the scientific publication Creative Industries Journal of Taylor & Francis, Informa PLC division, the article Establishing ecosystems for disruptive innovation by cross-fertilizing entrepreneurship and the arts. A rather extensive and detailed 30-page research article wrote by Peter Purg and Jernej Cucek Gerbec of University of Nova Gorica and Silvia Cacciatore […]

Diva Open call: attention! new deadline: 30th May 2021

Diva Open call: attention! new deadline: 30th May 2021

The deadline of DIVA open call has been postponed to May 30th, at 12am Last version of the FAQs is available here. Please read the FAQs carefully for doubts on Eligibility, Application Form, Reimbursement, Annexes, Letters of support, Financialcapacity, De minimis. Informest team and HUBs will be at disposal for further clarification and help on proposal content […]

DIVA PROJECT: Call for Proposals for the selection of Pilot Projects now OPEN

DIVA PROJECT: Call for Proposals for the selection of Pilot Projects now OPEN

The main goal of DIVA strategic project, financed by the cross-border cooperation Programme VA Italy-Slovenia 2014-20, is to improve and promote methodologies that can ease and encourage collaborations between SMEs and cultural and creative industries (CCIs). RANKING LIST 20/07/2021 ATTENTION NEW DEADLINE 30th May 2021 6th May update! Annex 10a can be filled instead of Annex 10. […]

DIVA project on PLATINUM

DIVA project on PLATINUM

An article on the DIVA project has been published in Platinum magazine (Il Sole 24 ore newspaper supplement) where next to the other articles is a special section called SLOVENIA 2020 on the excellence of Slovenia and Italy in the institutional, scientific, industrial, financial, medical and tourism fields, with particular reference to cross border cooperation […]

DIVA project – questionnaire to evaluate the potential for ART-BUSINESS collaboration

DIVA project – questionnaire to evaluate the potential for ART-BUSINESS collaboration

DIVA project partners prepared an online questionnaire in order to evaluate the potential for collaboration between cultural and creative sectors and traditional industrial sectors. We invite who would like to  contribute to the initiative to complete it : Once filled, an evaluation report will be automatically generated, with a series of valuable recommendations.

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