The development of cycling in the Adriatic-Ionian area and the Adrioncycleroute. The general states of cycling mobility in FVG

1 October 2024

The conference on the General States of Cycling Mobility is organized by the Autonomous Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, at the Palazzo della Regione, Via Sabbadini 31, in Udine, starting at 9:00 AM on October 10, 2024.

It will be possible to participate both in person and online (streaming in the morning and via the WEBEX platform in the afternoon).
The initiative is part of the EUSAIR Macrostrategy within the activities of the Interreg VI A Italy-Croatia “CYROS” project, which promotes cross-border sustainable mobility and aims at developing the Adriatic-Ionian tourist cycle route Adrioncycleroute (a flagship project of the EUSAIR Macrostrategy), on which the FVG Region has been actively working for several years.
The General States of Cycling Mobility, provided for by Regional Law no. 8/2018 “Interventions for the promotion of new safe and widespread cycling mobility”, represent a moment of discussion and participation between institutions and stakeholders in the cycling sector, with the aim of promoting the culture of cycling mobility.
Local authorities, schools, companies managing public transport and those providing services in the field of cycle tourism and sustainable tourism, sports associations affiliated with the Italian Cycling Federation, associations already represented in the TREC – Regional Technical Table for Cycling Mobility, and civil society associations engaged in issues of cycling and soft mobility, environmental protection and promotion, landscape and cultural heritage of the Region, as well as active lifestyles, are invited.


Morning (9:00-12:30): The General States will develop in a first session of context framing and illustration of the context and regional activities on cycling mobility, and a second session aimed at gathering the views of institutions and stakeholders in the sector, through a series of short interventions.

Afternoon (14:00-17:00): The afternoon session will be dedicated exclusively to the AdrionCycleTour project, with the participation of the EUSAIR area states crossed by the Adriatic-Ionian cycle route.

Registrations by October 6:
To participate in the morning session: click here to register.
For the afternoon session, the link will be sent via email after registration: click here to register.
Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in the General States of Cycling Mobility and contribute to the planning of sustainable mobility in the region and the Adriatic-Ionian area!

Translation generated by AI from the original text in Italian.


Date: 10/10/2024
Time: 09:00 - 17:00

Location: Palazzo della Regione, Via Sabbadini 31, Udine

Organizer: Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia

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The development of cycling in the Adriatic-Ionian area and the Adrioncycleroute. The general states of cycling mobility in FVG

The development of cycling in the Adriatic-Ionian area and the Adrioncycleroute. The general states of cycling mobility in FVG

Facility Point

Facility Point

The objectives are multiple. Firstly, it is essential to support the effective and efficient functioning of the EUSAIR governance structures. Additionally, it is important to support the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan through harmonized and effective internal procedures and communications, effective coordination among the Pillars, and increased visibility of EUSAIR through communication with […]

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