Category: General news

EU: €22 billion for Research and Development

EU: €22 billion for Research and Development

The European Commission, EU Member States and European industry will invest more than €22 billion over the next seven years in innovation for sectors that deliver high quality jobs. Most of the investment will go to five public-private partnerships in innovative medicines, aeronautics, bio-based industries, fuel cells and hydrogen, and electronics. These research partnerships will […]

Italy North-East Agro-food companies face the market dynamics

Italy North-East Agro-food companies face the market dynamics

The recent survey Agro-food Industry and Distribution from Fondazione Nord Est Agro-food Observatory promoted by FriulAdria (CariParma-Crédit Agricole) gave an updated situation of approaches made by the agro-food sector in North East (NE) region of Italy to adapt to the market dynamics originated from the international crisis. Referred to the market strategies, 71.2% of the […]

Continuous downward trend for retail trade in January

Continuous downward trend for retail trade in January

Following the latest EUROSTAT review, in January 2013 compared with the same month of 2012, the retail sales index dropped by 1.3% in the euro-area and by 0.9% in the EU27. In January 2013, compared with January 2012, Food, drinks and tobacco items fell by 1.5% in both the euro-area and the EU27. The non-food sector […]

Opportunities given by the cooperation and development between companies from the Friuli Venezia Giulia and Montenegro

Opportunities given by the cooperation and development between companies from the Friuli Venezia Giulia and Montenegro

The recent Conference presenting the Axis II of the project ADRIA3 on ‘Internationalization – Development of economic relations between Friuli Venezia Giulia and Montenegro, held on 11 May at the Chamber of Commerce of Trieste and organized by ARIES,was the occasion to present the opportunities given by the cooperation and development between companies from the Friuli Venezia Giulia and Montenegro and to give a picture of the Montenegro productive system and Montenegrin SMEs in particular.With the contribution of experts of the Directorate for small and medium enterprises in Montenegro (NASME) and the realization by Informest of a study on SMEs in Montenegro, the potential of the economic and productive systems have been highlighted, […]

Record EIB support for SME sector in 2011

Record EIB support for SME sector in 2011

Out of 61 billion euros provided by European Investment Bank in new loan contracts  (54 billion are for projects within the European Union and 7 billion outside – with half dedicated to pre-accession countries), over 13 billion euros were provided for SME sector financing. Overall more than 120 000 SMEs benefitted from EIB support across Europe […]

EUROSTAT pictures a broad increase of the unemployment rate in 2010

EUROSTAT pictures a broad increase of the unemployment rate in 2010

EUROSTAT data for the unemployment in the EU-27 denote a general increase of the index, both in terms of population groups and territories, as a direct consequence of the economic crisis. Thus, the decreasing dynamics started in 2003 was halted. The jobless rate reached in 2010 9.6 percent, increasing by 0.7 points, as a worsening […]

EU-15 and EU-10: a deadly embrace?

EU-15 and EU-10: a deadly embrace?

The link between EU’s old The relationship between the old EU member states (EU-15 ) and new member states joined with the enlargements of 2004 and 2007, the EU-10, is an asymmetrical relationship of structural dependency.  Direct investment and trade flows have made ??the Eastern EU or EU-10 the production platform of Western Union. Through […]

Beekeeping and Biodiversity protection

Beekeeping and Biodiversity protection

The project “ADRIA 3 – Strengthening and developing cooperation with the countries of the Eastern shore of the Adriatic” managed by Informest , co-funded by the FVG Regional Law.19/2000, is designed to support the development of the cooperation with third countries through the dissemination experiences and best practices. One of the planned  activities  is related to the preservation of the biodiversity of the region. Specifically, the project has as objective the recovery, protection and enhancement of beekeeping present on the northeastern shore of the […]

Export without internationalization?

Export without internationalization?

A lasting boost in exports can only result from actions ranging impact on businesses productivity and competitiveness. Then a  durable and sustainable revival in sales must result from an increase in businesses performance and their internationalization potential. “to produce and sell in any market regardless of the ability to oversee that  market it reveals as […]

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