The recent survey Agro-food Industry and Distribution from Fondazione Nord Est Agro-food Observatory promoted by FriulAdria (CariParma-Crédit Agricole) gave an updated situation of approaches made by the agro-food sector in North East (NE) region of Italy to adapt to the market dynamics originated from the international crisis.
Referred to the market strategies, 71.2% of the agro-food enterprises involved by the survey uses the wholesale channel to reach the end consumer. In approaching foreign markets 19.9% of firms choose wholesale distribution. Among medium size companies 3 out of 4 operate mainly with trade wholesale. The recourse to large-scale/organised distribution equally increases with the size of companies in all three considered NE regions. At the same time, the larger are the firms the less they are addressed directly to the final consumer.
The Survey outlines some of the main strengths and weaknesses of the NE agro-food sector. The majority of companies identifies main criticalities in prices, delivery chain costs and provisions. Nearly 1 to 2 agro-industrial companies has chosen to include in their sales channels also the relationship with the end customer, mostly managed through the company store (internet).
In dealing with foreign markets, 1 to 3 of surveyed companies indicates the lack of a “country system” supporting the Made in Italy products.