Category: General news

Established in Brussels the European transport infrastructure priorities for our region

Established in Brussels the European transport infrastructure priorities for our region

On October 19th the European Commission presented its plan “Connecting Europe Facility” for the development of European infrastructure networks until 2020. It is the redefinition of European infrastructure network TEN-T defined since the 90s, that after two decades appeared to be stressed by the need of a series of changes and implementations, taking into account both the EU enlargement to new countries and the different socio-economic conditions outlined in these years. The choices made by Brussels  support the development of a transport network in two levels, a priority one which would represent […]

China’s growth: a slower and older “dragon”?

China’s growth: a slower and older “dragon”?

The model of export-led growth is showing  limitations but the transition to a more balanced model could be made ??difficult due to the international economic trend (as less resources could be diverted for policies)  and political resistance. The shift from savings to consumption may be lower than expected and the market for Chinese consumers less […]

Volume of cooperation projects increases by 45%

Volume of cooperation projects increases by 45%

Informest expects to increase by 45% the volume of international cooperation projects in 2010. The forecast is contained in the 2010 budget, approved by the shareholders in Gorizia “The increase of 45% of the project, explains the Vice President of Informest, Silvia Acerbi – is not only a great result for us as Informest but […]

How Old Lady Europe is

How Old Lady Europe is

It seems that recently President Sarkozy – who was lecturing at Columbia University – annoyed Americans by underlying how their “new health system” has been a consolidated reality since centuries in France. The fact that citizens have extensive right to health care is indeed one of Old Lady Europe’s most remarkable features; a feature Europeans […]

Stra.De.2 for environment development in Bosnia Erzegovina

Stra.De.2 for environment development in Bosnia Erzegovina

The system collection of Isonzo area rose to prominence nationally and internationally. Experience gained in the cooperation project with the Canton of Sarajevo and the Municipality of Novi Grad ( and five years of experimentation with canvassing have given to Iris Spa the possibility to participate in a major new European project of cooperation related […]

European Funds, 15 students

European Funds, 15 students

15 highly motivated graduates started the training course organized by the Municipality of Gorizia (Department of Youth Policies) in cooperation with Informest, to raise awareness tools and methodologies for finding financing sources related to EU funds and for the design of projects responding to the main Community programmes directed to institutions and public administrations.

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