Continuous downward trend for retail trade in January

18 March 2013

Following the latest EUROSTAT review, in January 2013 compared with the same month of 2012, the retail sales index dropped by 1.3% in the euro-area and by 0.9% in the EU27.

In January 2013, compared with January 2012, Food, drinks and tobacco items fell by 1.5% in both the euro-area and the EU27. The non-food sector dropped by 3.1% and 1.8%, respectively. 

Among the MS for which data are available, total retail trade fell in eight and rose in eleven. The largest decreases were observed in Slovenia (-7.6%), Bulgaria (-5.5%) and Portugal (-3.9%), and the highest increases in Belgium (+8.4%), Luxembourg (+7.1%) and Latvia (+5.2%).

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