Informest partner in the Interreg Ita-Slo BioTech2Agri project

27 June 2024

On June 19, 2024, the kickoff workshop for the BioTech2Agri project, co-financed by the European Union under the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia Program, took place in Ajdovščina.

The project involves six partners: for Slovenia, the ROD Ajdovščina Regional Development Agency (Lead Partner), the Primorski Tehnološki Park d.o.o., and the Scientific Research Centre of Koper; for Italy, the Venetian Cluster, the Agrifood & Bioeconomy FVG Foundation, and Informest. The initiative aims to strengthen European competitiveness in the agri-food sector through the transfer of advanced biotechnologies.

The project, valued at EUR 886,560, aims to increase European competitiveness by raising the level of the agri-food sector, increasing the added value of supply chains to Slovenian companies through the transfer of biotechnology, already established in Italy and particularly in Veneto. The activities planned in the project include the analysis of plant species, the definition of business models, and assistance to SMEs through the “innovation token mechanism.” This mechanism consists of the provision of “tokens” or “vouchers” for innovation that selected companies can use to access a range of innovation support services for free. The focus plant species include olives, vines, and marigolds, with the goal of creating new products enriched with bioactive compounds.

The workshop was opened by M.Sc. Anton Lavrenčič, Mayor of Vipava, and was attended by representatives of local authorities and the Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development. Mr. Furlan, head of the Department of Economy and Development of the municipality of Ajdovščina, expressed his support for the project and praised the strength of the project partnership. Mr. Janez Capuder from the Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development presented the project from the perspective of the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027 program. The conference program continued with a partner meeting, where further steps for the successful implementation of the project were agreed upon. The BioTech2Agri project will end on April 14, 2026.

Translation generated by AI from the original text in Italian.

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Informest partner in the Interreg Ita-Slo BioTech2Agri project

Informest partner in the Interreg Ita-Slo BioTech2Agri project



The objective of our project is to strengthen European competitiveness through the advancement of innovation in the agri-food sector. We intend to achieve this objective by adding value to the Italian-Slovenian agri-food chains through the transfer of biotechnological solutions activating cross-border collaboration between the public and private partnership and to create synergetic developments throughout the […]

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