From Army To Entrepreneurship

Project objective:

  •  Promote an urban sustainable requalification providing local administrations with 1. tools to manage the entire process of conversion, from the negotiation with the central government to the participation of private investors and 2. programming future investments;
  • Favour entrepreneurship and competitiveness of the territory throughout the process of restructure of the abandoned military areas into enterprises support centres with the definition of regional strategies and measures to support SMEs and start ups
  • “test” the measures and tools defined in the project on 8 specific cases of abandoned military areas.

 Project activities:

  • Definition of a common methodology for the valuation of abandoned areas;
  • Analysis on the economic and entrepreneurial context with particular attention to the impact of the conversion into enterprises support centres on the economic system;
  • Mapping and valuation of the ex military areas;
  • Definition and application of tools/measure for the management of the transfer of property and conversion of military areas;
  • Definition of measures to promote entrepreneurship
  • Pilot actions (Feasibility study, planning, operative plans and investments for the conversion of the areas in Service Centres/incubators);
  • Results diffusion

Expected results:

Transfer of methodologies and knowledge; adoption of 9 plans (or recommendations) for the conversion of the abandoned military areas; 8 urban plans for the creation of service centres/incubators; adoption of a common strategy to promote entrepreneurship.

Type of service

  • Activities to support LP in the technical coordination of the project
  • Responsible of all the analysis of context and mapping of the abandoned military areas(WP3).
  • Offers to the project methodological tools, experiences for the development  of the entrepreneurial sector, an integrated approach to the process of re-establishment and territorial planning.

News and documents

The development of the yachting pole – FATE project

The development of the yachting pole – FATE project

Informest, the Municipality of Latisana and the Shipyard of Aprilia Marittima organize the event “the development of the yachting pole” of the “FATE – From Army To Entrepreneurship ” project. The event will be held Thursday 27/10, 10 am, in Aprilia Marittima, “Saletta del Centro volontari del soccorso in mare”, Cantieri di Aprilia. The event […]

Project “F.A.T.E. From Army To Entrepreneurship” – Transnational Conference “Conversion of military brownfields: processes and perspectives”

Project “F.A.T.E. From Army To Entrepreneurship” – Transnational Conference “Conversion of military brownfields: processes and perspectives”

The transnational conference “Conversion of military brownfields: processes and perspectives” of the project “F.A.T.E. – From Army To Entrepreneruship” will be held on 19th October in Trieste, Magazzino 26 Porto Vecchio. The conference is the final event of FATE project, whose aims have been to provide local and regional administrations with useful tools for managing, […]

FATE project: conference about the military brownfields conversion

FATE project: conference about the military brownfields conversion

On May 31st the conference titled “The conversion of military brownfield: a territorial opportunity” will be held at 9 a.m. in the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia compound in Udin (Italy) – via Sabbadini 31. The conference is part of the FATE project – From Army To Entrepreneurship financed by the SEE programme – South East […]

General information

Start date: 01/04/2009
End date: 30/09/2011

Role: Partner

Project logo


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