FATE project: conference about the military brownfields conversion

13 May 2011

On May 31st the conference titled “The conversion of military brownfield: a territorial opportunity” will be held at 9 a.m. in the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia compound in Udin (Italy) – via Sabbadini 31. The conference is part of the FATE project – From Army To Entrepreneurship financed by the SEE programme – South East Europe. The topic f the conference will be the process re-conversion and re-qualification of brownfields, in particular the military one.

The project intends support the local and regional administrations with tools to manage, plan and start-up the re-qualification process, and to encourage the territorial economic potentialities. In fact, after the geo-politic evolution of nineties the local administration have to manage as prior problems the rehabilitation of several military brownfields. The project approach is not only to convert the brownfields, but also to enforce the re-qualification through a urban sustainable development that would foster the local community improvement, with a particular attention to the re-qualification of brownfields into business support organisations.

The conference envisages the contributions of experts dealing with the project approach of FATE and its results, the conversion in Friuli Venezia Giulia, also focalising on the Latisana case-study- Caserma Radaelli, the case-study of Osjiek, Croatia, and the methodology of urban re-conversion of military brownfields.

Further information:
Tel. 0481 597428 / 0481 597409 / 0481 597447
Mail. cooperazione3@informest.it

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FATE project: conference about the military brownfields conversion

FATE project: conference about the military brownfields conversion



Project objective:  Promote an urban sustainable requalification providing local administrations with 1. tools to manage the entire process of conversion, from the negotiation with the central government to the participation of private investors and 2. programming future investments; Favour entrepreneurship and competitiveness of the territory throughout the process of restructure of the abandoned military areas […]

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