Project “F.A.T.E. From Army To Entrepreneurship” – Transnational Conference “Conversion of military brownfields: processes and perspectives”

5 October 2011

The transnational conference “Conversion of military brownfields: processes and perspectives” of the project “F.A.T.E. – From Army To Entrepreneruship” will be held on 19th October in Trieste, Magazzino 26 Porto Vecchio.

The conference is the final event of FATE project, whose aims have been to provide local and regional administrations with useful tools for managing, planning and starting up the requalification processes of military brownfields and to promote the economic potentials thanks to the conversion of these sites into business support centres.

The conference will provide an overview of both the advancement of transfer and conversion process in the partners’ areas and main project results. The event represents an important occasion to deepen dynamics and perspectives related to the conversion process of the military brownfields.

You are kindly asked to confirm your participation at on the homepage of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia website 

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Project “F.A.T.E. From Army To Entrepreneurship” – Transnational Conference “Conversion of military brownfields: processes and perspectives”

Project “F.A.T.E. From Army To Entrepreneurship” – Transnational Conference “Conversion of military brownfields: processes and perspectives”



Project objective:  Promote an urban sustainable requalification providing local administrations with 1. tools to manage the entire process of conversion, from the negotiation with the central government to the participation of private investors and 2. programming future investments; Favour entrepreneurship and competitiveness of the territory throughout the process of restructure of the abandoned military areas […]

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