CaRe project: final conference, 25 September, on-line

18 September 2020

The final conference of Ca.Re project will be held online on Friday 25 September, from 9.30 to 13.00. It will be dedicated to “The Case&Care approach for the management of services for elderly people: potential and development in the light of COVID-19“. The project partners and Italian and Austrian experts will discuss the results of the pilot actions carried out in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Tyrol and on the potential offered by the Case & Care method to our social and health systems and to increasingly aging society.

 You could find the agenda as attachment and here the d REGISTRATION link.

CaRe project, financed by the European Fund for Regional Development Interreg VA Italy-Austria 2014-2020, experimented in three pilot areas (Medio Friuli in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Vicenza area in Veneto and District of Landeck in Tyrol) the introduction of the case & care manager into public welfare systems, a new model of integration between Care Management and Case Management approaches.

 The project counted on the participation of the private Tyrolean University UMIT TIROL as Lead partner, of IPAB Vicenza as a partner in Veneto and University-Healthcare Institution of Friuli Centrale and UTI (Union of Municipalities) of Medio Friuli as a partners in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Informest took part in the project supporting UTI Medio Friuli in the project management and communication activities.

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CaRe project: final conference, 25 September, on-line

CaRe project: final conference, 25 September, on-line



The aim of CaRe project is the development, regional piloting and evaluation of a superordinate cross-institutional CrM office, which serves as a regional contact point & counseling center for the system & care management of elderly people in need of care and their caring relatives. The planned activities are: Horizontal coordination activities, kick offs, intermediate […]

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