CREATURES project: more than 40 participants for the first CREATURES stakeholders meeting

3 September 2020

Last 1st September Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region – Directorate Culture and Sport brought together all CREATURES regional stakeholders.

After a short illustration of CREATURES project, its goals and activities, the three collected good practices of cultural heritage promotion thanks to CCIs were presented: “Mappa parlante di Aquileia” (“Talking Map of the ancient Aquileia Municipality”), “Festival PordenoneLegge” (Book Festival of Pordenone) and “Esterno/Giorno. Passeggiatealla scoperta del cinema” (External/Day. Walk around the cinema).After that, the floor was given to the stakeholders, who presented many interesting realities of regional good practices of cultural heritage promotion and gave different inputs and contributions to the audience. Just in there days, the Regional Directorate, project lead partner, is collecting all these GPs and taking them into consideration for CREATURES project development.

The meeting closed with the presentation of all the regional, national, european strategies in support of CCIs  and the cultural tourism 4.0, new tourism strategies thanks to “CCI4TOURISM” European project.

Recording and material used during stakeholders meeting will be available soon on Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region official website


CREATURES project aims at preserving cultural heritage, promoting sustainable and experiential tourism in the ADRION Region by exploiting Cultural&Creative Industries’(CCI) potential, finding a right balance between innovation and conservation of the Adrion region rich cultural heritage.

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