Advanced Master in Sustainable Blue Growth for INFORMEST

28 September 2020

On 22 September INFORMEST participated in the Autumn Session (7 – 25 September 2020, with a total of 18 lecturers) of the Advanced Master in Sustainable Blue Growth organized by the University of Trieste and the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics – OGS of Trieste. In particular, INFORMEST presented to the 18 participants from 8 Countries  (Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Italy, Serbia, Lebanon, Turkey and Romania) the reports “EU Financial instruments to support co-operation in the Mediterranean basin” and “An update of the situation of Blue Energy development in the Mediterranean Sea”.

The Master in Sustainable Blue Growth is established to bring scientific excellence and technological innovation at the centre of a number of Blue Growth initiatives. The Master is jointly organized to support the creation of stable and attractive blue career pathways throughout strengthening professional skills and enhancing competencies in fields related to sustainable blue growth. The Master is articulated in three main pillars. The first focuses on environmental sustainability and coastal planning, the second concerns regulatory framework, geosciences and climate related aspects. And the last focuses on marine biology and ocean observations.

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