Settore: Transport



The SEA-Bridge (Adriatic port facilities as a bridge for trans-European network) was aimed at developing and strengthening the sea transport networks linking the Region of Abruzzo (Central Italy) to the most important pan-European networks such as Corridor V and Corridor VIII. The Project aimed, in fact, at helping to increase the co-operation between the two versants of the […]


Balkan’s transport infrastructure development and his effects on Italian economy and
the Mezzogiorno: main issues (2005)

Balkan’s transport infrastructure development and his effects on Italian economy and the Mezzogiorno: main issues (2005)

The general aim of the Project was intended to give a contribution to the selection of those links, in the Balkan infrastructure network, potentially more relevant for the strengthening of economic cooperation between Italy (South regions in particular) and Eastern Adriatic Countries. The strategic aim of the Project was to facilitate the cooperation between the […]




The project aimed to carry a feasibility study for the setting up of new maritime cargo lines between Bulgarian and Romanian ports and North Adriatic ports. The study was based on the analysis of the growth potential of both economies also in the perspective of their adhesion to the EU single market in 2007, with […]


Former Yugoslavia: Infrastructure networks and prospects for international collaboration

Former Yugoslavia: Infrastructure networks and prospects for international collaboration

The study was at first aimed to tackle the legislative framework in the former Yugoslavia countries (Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia and FR Yugoslavia) in which operate the building enterprises, with particular regard to public procurements, concessions and foreign investments laws. This part has been realised in cooperation with Impregilo, one of the most important construction enterprises. […]


Central-Eastern Europe and the Balkans: Italy’s competitiveness and the pan-european
transport corridors

Central-Eastern Europe and the Balkans: Italy’s competitiveness and the pan-european transport corridors

The study examined the relations between Italy and Danubian-Balkan area countries, focusing on the access routes to these markets. Specificately, the main objective of the work was to stress the effects that the West-East transport and connection system displays on Italian geopolitical and geo-economic interests, such to value the opportunity of cooperation that could concur […]


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