Smart Accelerators of Creative Heritage Entrepreneurship

The SACHE project will develop and deliver integrated local development strategies based on tools and approaches that accelerate creative entrepreneurship within and around cultural heritage. The project will expand and strengthen the role of cultural heritage sites, symbols and values by transforming them into “Smart Accelerators of Creative Heritage Entrepreneurship” (SACHE) based on a newly developed central European model. Museums, galleries, theatres and festivals will be conceived not only as sites of education or entertainment but also as accelerators, i.e. cultural engines that mobilise and nurture the energies of small creative businesses. This will expand access to cultural heritage as well as the production of value enhancing services, the development of innovative clustering of CCIs around each SACHE. It will also help to foster cross-sectoral cooperation with other industrial and service sectors especially in digital technologies.

The main objective of SACHE is to develop and deliver integrated local development strategies based on tools and approaches that would accelerate creative entrepreneurship within and around cultural heritage making central European cities and regions better places to live and work. In order to do so, the project will develop a central European model to increase the capacities of public and private actors to promote the sustainable use of material and immaterial CH based on uses and re-uses of smart, innovative technologies in cooperation with different creative sectors.
The project will expand and strengthen the role of CH sites, symbols and values by transforming them into SACHE: “Smart Accelerators of Creative Heritage Entrepreneurship”. A common model, a transferable methodology and toolsets will generate SACHE for the design and implementation of regional/local hubs, new flexible outputs of social innovation equipped with the capability of assisting CCIs in sourcing and engineering innovative ideas.
The development and implementation of strategies and policies for valorising CH and exploiting potentials of CCIs will trigger economic opportunities and employment at regional level. Transnational cooperation will help improving capacities of the public and private sector dealing with the protection and sustainable use of CH and resources by supporting integrated approaches. This will allow coordinated preservation and management of CH resources and sustainable growth.

• Mapping and triggering cultural and creative environment able to promote entrepreneurship and growth.
• Value services to promote the Smart Accelerators of Creative Entrepreneurship
• Setting-up of “atmospheres” to promote cultural and creative entrepreneurship
• Sustainabile value-chains, transferring and follow-up activities

Type of service

Support to the Culture and Sport Department of Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region in the realization of the project objectives and in the implementation of the planned project activities. Specifically, Informest’s tasks will be:

  • communication and promotion activities in order to guarantee to the regional stakeholders a correct involvement and information flow as well as to give an account of the activities in a logic of transparency and effectiveness of the interventions.
  • Assistance and development of a tool for collecting, verifying and processing data in all project areas and in particular for action plans; elaboration of a transferability plan to define the objectives, the actors and the areas to be involved in the transfer of the activities in the follow up and in the creation of a network for innovation in the program area.
  • Territorial animation and training, through the methodology developed by the project, in order to provide tools for policy makers and project beneficiaries for the enhancement of cultural heritage (workshops, training, seminars, events, etc.).
  • Organization of a pitching / matching event and a transnational fair on ICCs.
  • Support in the financial management of the project.

News and documents

Kick off meeting of SACHE project

Kick off meeting of SACHE project

The 29th of April, in Venice, took place the kick-off meeting of SACHE project funded by Interreg Central Europe programme, which main goal is to foster transnational cooperation in Central Europe in order to improve living and working conditions in the cities and regions of the area throughout the development of smart, sustainable and inclusive […]

General information

Start date: 01/04/2019
End date: 30/06/2022

Role: Subcontracting


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