Multicultural journey between Italy and Slovenia through the prism of minorities

The common challenge of the programme area to which the PRIMIS project will contribute is the “Conservation, protection and restoration of cultural and natural heritage”.
The overall project objective is to enhance the value of the linguistic, cultural and natural heritage of the linguistic communities in the programme area in order to attract sustainable tourism. This area is by nature multicultural and multilingual, due to the presence of Slovenian and Italian national minorities and other language communities (Cimbrians, Ladins, Friulians) making it unique compared to other territories in Italy and Slovenia. The project will bring about a new perception of the multicultural and multilingual identity of the PA for both tourists and residents.

The main outputs are:

  • the creation of 4 Multimedia Centres for the dissemination of the specificities and peculiarities of the indigenous language communities;
  • a multimedia platform and a digital guide;
  • the enhancement and promotion of cultural events in the PA;
  • information and training activities for specific target groups.

The beneficiaries are:

  • tourists,
  • residents,
  • young people,
  • SMEs,
  • project partners.

The intended approach is to transfer the multicultural and multilingual peculiarities of the indigenous communities to the tourism sector and the promotion of the cross-border territory through the use of innovative, interactive and multimedia tools with immersive and virtual reality in the Multimedia Centres. The approach will go beyond the current practices of the sector (sea-mountain) because it will help to create tourism products based on the cultural and linguistic heritage of the PA. Cross-border cooperation is necessary because it brings together the diversities and peculiarities linked to multiculturalism and multilingualism to create a unique image of the PA.

The project is original because it considers the material and immaterial cultural heritage of the indigenous language communities as an added value for an economic activity – cultural and sustainable tourism.

Type of service

Support to communication and dissemination activities

News and documents

Fourth Steering Committee of the PRIMIS project

Fourth Steering Committee of the PRIMIS project

Under the leadership of the Italian Union, the 4th Steering Committee of PRIMIS took place online, a strategic project funded by the Interreg VA Italy-Slovenia program, whose objective is the enhancement of the linguistic, cultural and natural heritage of indigenous communities (the national Slovenian in Italy and Italian in Slovenia as well as the linguistic communities […]

PRIMIS Newsletter #6

PRIMIS Newsletter #6

Sixth PRIMIS newsletter aims to update on WP3.1 activities related to the analysis, systematization and creation of innovative tools for the dissemination and promotion of cultural, linguistic and natural heritage of programme area for tourism purposes. These activities are aimed at achieving touristic development of the linguistic and cultural heritage of native language communities present […]

PRIMIS Newsletter #4

PRIMIS Newsletter #4

PRIMIS project (Multicultural journey between Italy and Slovenia through the prism of minorities) co-financed by Italy-Slovenia program, in which Informest participates as technical assistance to the Culture and Sport Directorate of the RA Friuli Venezia Giulia – project partner, outlines activities aimed to implement the perception of multicultural linguistic identity in the program area and […]

PRIMIS Newsletter #3

PRIMIS Newsletter #3

Project activities include an important investment, the restoration of Palace Gravisi-Buttorai of Capodistria,one of the most vivid examples of Baroque architecture in Koper, registered in the register of immovable cultural heritage of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.  The palace will become the first Interactive Museum, Digital and Italian multimedia center (IMC) and will build a […]

General information

Start date: 01/01/2019
End date: 28/02/2023

Role: Subcontracting


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