Information Development (for business clusters networking)

The project aimed at promoting co-operation between business clusters of some EU Member States and SEE accession and pre-accession countries whose stabilisation through economic integration is of increasing importance for the European Economic Space. The emergence of information society is currently the most significant phenomenon reshaping the territorial competitiveness: therefore the decision was to set up a project for improving and extending ICT networks over the Adriatic – Danubian area of CADSES providing ICT tools for SMEs match-making on the basis of clusters identification and networking.

Achieved results brought also to effective exchange of good practices among clusters managers of the partner countries involved into INDE and the creation of an effective platform on the web ( Though recently the ACs have experienced a remarkable catch-up process as far as extension and use of ICT are concerned, it was clearly visible that the diffusion of this technology into the more remote parts of a country required a bundle of supporting strategies ranging from the provision of infrastructure facilities to adequate training supply.

This project raised awareness and supported local, regional and national actors in making use of ICT opportunities and developing the potentials offered by the information society in order to promote entrepreneurship and sustainable spatial development. Local and regional governments, other decision-makers in the public sector, regional development agencies, Chambers of Commerce, all these institutes needed support in the development of an efficient market information system. Within the CADSES regions there will be new internal border regions that will gain attractiveness due to the enlarged market size and to the better prospects for infrastructure investment. The project examined regional prerequisites, communication needs, business models, competence for sustainable operations and other factors that affect the full exploitation of ICT potential. This project assessed how digital technology can actually lead CADSES Countries toward regional development and growing transnational business in a wired world, making more of experience provided by skilled existing players of European development like Euro Info Centres, their host organisations and other agencies.

Type of service

Identification activities of clustering and sectoral productive chains both in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and in the ACs and Western Balkans Countries.

Support to the establishment of virtual sectoral chains matching subcontractors capacity and final producers at transnational level within the web facility provide for the enhancement of secure B2B operations among the companies involved in the project.

Provision of experts inputs for technical assistance and lecturers.

Survey on the available ICT resources of the partners area, the design of the integrated networking and project information system plus all the technical and managerial requirements needed by the leading partner EIC Ljubljana with special attention to the web site establishment, management and implementation.

General information

Start date: 01/01/2003
End date: 31/12/2005

Role: Partner

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