Development of ecosystems and innovation value chains: supporting cross-border innovation through Creative Industries

The main objective of DIVA project is to link the creative and economic sectors in order to create an eco-system of innovation, which is able to afford international markets in the field of digital transformation using “Smart” technologies for the benefit of the community. DIVA will establish an international eco-system based on existing or new interdisciplinary innovative platforms, able to strengthen a system of collaborative initiatives in economic, art (art thinking), design (design thinking) and various social initiatives (participation design).
Throughout analytical, mapping, modelling, education and test approach, DIVA will catalyse this innovation, production and end-user system, where networks will incorporate innovators into local economy in a way in which the transition from an idea to the final solution will be fast, sustainable in the long period and oriented to citizens and their needs.
With the creation of international ecosystem, DIVA will increase the possibility of new opportunities for collaboration and development both of high-tech industries and of communities of operators and companies capable of facing the markets and consumers challenges. These ecosystems will have a guide-role into the preparation and response capacity of companies into traditional industrial sectors and into society’s ability to respond to the challenges of digital transformation and the circular economy.
a) Identification of creative networks, actors and stakeholders in the cross-border area and elaboration of the cross-border map of both actors and resources;
b) User’s needs;
c) Consolidation of the cross-border cooperation between actors and awareness-raising actions;
d) Elaboration of the DIVA cooperation model;

1. Development of tools to facilitate cross-fertilization between CCIs and “traditional” SMEs;
2. Capacity-building actions aimed at local operators to facilitate the meeting between CCIs and traditional SMEs;
3. Definition of local operators networks and raise awareness to cooperation between Networks users and preparation activities of pilot actions
4. Definition of HUBs to strengthen cooperation between CCIs and SMEs;
5. Identification and implementation of programs aimed at increasing the inclination to creativity and innovation for children, young people and citizens.

1. Cross-border preparatory activities aimed at defining and setting a call for public evidence (Call) for the selection of pilot actions;
2. Publication of the public tender to select projects where a traditional SME proposes the purchase of innovative tools and / or services provided by a pre-identified creative cultural company;
3. Implementation of pilot projects.
4. Dissemination of pilot project results in the cooperation area in order to enhance culture and creativity impact and the cooperation model.

Type of service

• Setting up a public tender for the selection of SMEs;
• Implementation of pilot projects;
• Communication and intermediation between SMEs and Programme beneficiaries.

News and documents

Cross-border DIVA event for pilot projects

Cross-border DIVA event for pilot projects

On Wednesday, December 1, we held the crossborder “Launch and networking event”, attended by representatives of DIVA pilot projects. A welcome speech by Valeria Bazzan (CCIAA Venezia Rovigo) and an introduction speech by moderator Corrado Campobasso (Informest), was followed by a Mario Ciaramitaro (IUAV), Peter Purg (UNG) and Mija Lorbek (DIVA HUB Unit – Ekscenter) […]

“DIVA pitching” event in Venice

“DIVA pitching” event in Venice

On Monday 18th October in Venice during the “Diva creative hub pitching event” Veneto HUB representatives met for the first time the Veneto representatives of the SME-CCI collaboration pilot projects selected with the DIVA Open Call!  The reporting and presentation rules have been presented. For more info, visit the Veneto Creative Hub website: https://www.creativehubveneto.eu/2021/10/04/progetto-diva-lin Tecnologia-che-nasce-dalla-cultura/

DIVA Pitch event for pilot projects from FVG

DIVA Pitch event for pilot projects from FVG

On Wednesday, October 6, DIVA project partners from Friuli Venezia Giulia organized an online event at which 7 pilot projects from FVG were presented. Following a welcoming address by Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, the representatives of DIVA Hub FVG illustrated the support offered by the same hub. After that, each project team introduced themselves […]

DIVA Open call – guidelines for financed project

DIVA Open call – guidelines for financed project

Guidelines and templates to be used for reporting and project modification of financed projects are available. We invite beneficiaries to read carefully the guidelines, to use the downloadable materials and to ask the support of HUBs representative for the project implementation.

DIVA pitch event in Ljubljana

DIVA pitch event in Ljubljana

On September 14th, the Slovenian partners of the DIVA project carried out the “DIVA pitch” event, which had the aim of presenting selected pilot projects that come from the Slovenian area. The event took place in Ljubljana at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Representatives of six pilot projects briefly presented their project ideas, and […]

General information

Start date: 01/03/2019
End date: 30/06/2022

Role: Partner

Website: http://ita-slo.eu/diva

Project logo


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