Category: Press Releases

First CREATURES – Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region stakeholders’ meeting is already scheduled for next 1st September

First CREATURES – Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region stakeholders’ meeting is already scheduled for next 1st September

Everything is ready for the first CREATURES – Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region stakeholders’ meeting, that will be held online on September 1st in compliance with the COVID-19 restrictions. The meeting will be moderated by Antonella Manca, Central Director Culture and Sport FVGAR. Other speakers will be Elena Mengotti, Central Directorate Culture and Sport FVGAR, and Claudia Baracchini, Friuli Innovazione. 

PRIMIS Newsletter #6

PRIMIS Newsletter #6

Sixth PRIMIS newsletter aims to update on WP3.1 activities related to the analysis, systematization and creation of innovative tools for the dissemination and promotion of cultural, linguistic and natural heritage of programme area for tourism purposes. These activities are aimed at achieving touristic development of the linguistic and cultural heritage of native language communities present […]

RESPONSe: climate change in the Adriatic regions – perception questionnaire

RESPONSe: climate change in the Adriatic regions – perception questionnaire

Lignano Sabbiadoro is the pilot area in Friuli Venezia Giulia for the project RESPONSe -Strategies to adapt to climate change in Adriatic regions, financed by the Programme Interreg Italy-Croatia, which supports the coastal municipalities of the Adriatic by promoting intelligent governance of risks deriving from climate change.A questionnaire is dedicated to the citizens of Lignano […]

European Cultural & Creative Cities in post-COVID19 times: bouncing forward.

European Cultural & Creative Cities in post-COVID19 times: bouncing forward.

Last 7th July Pier Luigi Sacco, metaLAB at Harvard, and Catherine Magnant, Head of Unit, DG EAC.D1, Cultural Policy, coordinated and lead webinar on the topic “European Cultural & Creative Cities in post-COVID19 times: bouncing forward”: how has the coronavirus emergency affected European cities particularly active in promoting culture and creativity? How are they responding to the […]

UnderwaterMuse: ongoing thematic insights and promotion

UnderwaterMuse: ongoing thematic insights and promotion

Despite the emergency situation, UnderwaterMuse project also continues its activities, closing the document on the Status quo of underwater cultural heritage enhancement and stakeholders involvement and publishing on the Facebook page some interesting thematic insights.The project was also promoted via radio, within Sconfinamenti –Radio RAI FVG of 16th July. Download the podcast here.

RESPONSe: Summer appointment to plan the Autumn activities

RESPONSe: Summer appointment to plan the Autumn activities

The RESPONSe project partners, in which Informest plays as lead partner, met once again today at distance for the VI Steering Committe meeting, to discuss and plan in detail the activities that will carry out in the coming months. Above all, the mid-term conference that will take place online in October, where eminent scientists will […]

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