Category: RESPONSe

Technical meeting n. 10 for RESPONSe partners, finally in presence

Technical meeting n. 10 for RESPONSe partners, finally in presence

RESPONSe 10th Technical meeting is currently taking place in Trieste: the Italian and Croatian partners of the Interreg Italy-Croatia project met together and in person after almost two years of on-line relationship. The meeting is preparatory to the final conference, that will be held at the end of November, and to the latest revisions of […]

RESPONSe: the Newsletter Nr. 3 is on-line

RESPONSe: the Newsletter Nr. 3 is on-line

The third Newsletter of Interreg Italy-Croatia project, RESPONSe, is dedicated to the different perceptions of climate change and to the mitigation and adaptation measures collected and organized in the Climate Adaptation Menu, an on-line platform in which 160 mitigation and climate adaptation measures have been collected; the measures, already implemented in Europe and in the world. Finally, […]

RESPONSe project in 2021

RESPONSe project in 2021

The first meeting for 2021 of the project Interreg Italy-Croatia RESPONSe opened yesterday with good news: the municipality of Montemarciano, a pilot area in Marche region, also joined the Covenant of Mayors for Climate&Energy last December. Along with Lignano Sabbiadoro, two of six RESPONSe pilot areas officially join the European initiative that commits participants to […]

RESPONSe: the second Newsletter is online

RESPONSe: the second Newsletter is online

The second Newsletter has just been published on the RESPONSe website. The main focus are the abstract of the scientific speeches, presented during the mid-term conference, held last October 20th, and the analyzes and simulations emerging from the  meteorological and oceanographic data, collected in the period 1961-2018. The analyzes and simulations are the basis on […]

RESPONSE: now available the presentations and the first results

RESPONSE: now available the presentations and the first results

The mid-term conference of RESPONSe project took place on 21 October, gathering on-line around 100 participants from both sides of the Adriatic Sea. RESPONSe project is dedicated to the planning of the adaptation measures and policies in reply to the climate change that affects Italian and Croatian Adriatic costs and costal areas.  

Lignano, pilot area in RESPONSe project, adheres to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy

Lignano, pilot area in RESPONSe project, adheres to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy

Unanimously approved during the last City Council, it constitutes the first step for SECAP preparation.Steps forward for RESPONSe project, funded by the Italy-Croatia Interreg Programme, in which Informest plays as lead partner. Lignano Sabbiadoro, included in the project as one of the six pilot areas, for which the project activities will be at disposal of […]

RESPONSe: climate change in the Adriatic regions – perception questionnaire

RESPONSe: climate change in the Adriatic regions – perception questionnaire

Lignano Sabbiadoro is the pilot area in Friuli Venezia Giulia for the project RESPONSe -Strategies to adapt to climate change in Adriatic regions, financed by the Programme Interreg Italy-Croatia, which supports the coastal municipalities of the Adriatic by promoting intelligent governance of risks deriving from climate change.A questionnaire is dedicated to the citizens of Lignano […]

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