Lignano, pilot area in RESPONSe project, adheres to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy

27 October 2020

Unanimously approved during the last City Council, it constitutes the first step for SECAP preparation.Steps forward for RESPONSe project, funded by the Italy-Croatia Interreg Programme, in which Informest plays as lead partner. Lignano Sabbiadoro, included in the project as one of the six pilot areas, for which the project activities will be at disposal of the public administrations for the definition of policies and adaptation measures in response to climate change, approved its adhesion to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy during the last City Council.

An important decision, which allows to fully start the preparation of its own Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP), planned precisely within the RESPONSe project, and which will allow the city of Lignano Sabbiadoro to adopt concrete actions and measures for the reduction of CO2 emissions and for the integration of adaptation policies to the impacts of climate change.

A path, starting already in 2017, when the City of Lignano Sabbiadoro was included as a pilot area in the project proposal presented by Informest to the Italy-Croatia Interreg Programme and validated in 2019, when RESPONSe project started right in Lignano.

Funded by Italy-Croatia Interreg Program, the project aims at supporting local policy makers in order to adopt smart governance approaches in response to the impacts and risks caused by climate change in their area. In addition to Lignano, five other Italian and Croatian locations participate in the project and for each of them the project has analyzed both the historical evolution of climate change and the possible future evolution.

Important data, which will allow local administrators to carefully evaluate the mitigation and adaptation measures to be applied in their territory, in the context of the European policy defined by 2030 Package on Climate and Energy for decarbonization and the use of renewable energy sources.

And just yesterday, October 26, 2020, the project partners met online to coordinate the activities to be implemented in order to bring these six pilot cities to become good practices in the application of innovative policies and strategies to respond to the climate change.

Besides Informest, Friuli Venezia Giulia Energy Agency – APE FVG also participates in the project as technical partner, developing the scientific and programmatic documents in coordination with the project partnership.

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Lignano, pilot area in RESPONSe project, adheres to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy

Lignano, pilot area in RESPONSe project, adheres to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy



The project aims at empowering local policy-makers to enable climate-smart governance approaches and promote sustainable living in Adriatic marine and coastal areas. RESPONSe will provide the tools to foster effective policy-making on climate adaptation at local level and support strategic decision-making on how best to address the effects of climate change on the coastal areas […]

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