CARe project partners met online this morning. As required by the current situation, it was a remote sharing, which however allowed a mutual update on the progress achieved with the pilot actions in the respective territories and led to agree on the latest activities to be carried out by the end of the project, in December 2020.
A session that anticipates the one scheduled for mid-June in which scientific experts will also participate. This morning, in fact, the focus was on the latest communication activities whose responsibility is entrusted to Informest who leads it on behalf of UTI Medio Friuli, project partner. There was much discussion about the final symposium scheduled for September, a public event during which the partners will present the results of the pilot actions of case & care carried out in Tyrol, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, and whose organization is strongly subordinated to possible restrictions and limitations imposed by the COVID-19 emergency. Financial aspects were also discussed in order to assure a rapid financial reporting of the expenses.
The CARE project, co-financed by the Programme Interreg V-A Italy-Austria, aims to increase access, quality and continuity of care and assistance for the elderly living in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Medio Friuli area) and Veneto (Vicenza) and in the Tyrolean area of ??Landeck. The approach defined “Case and Care Management” is functional to achieving the objectives of the CARe project.
In Friuli Venezia Giulia Uti Medio Friuli and the Health Agency No. 3 “Alto Friuli, Collinare, Medio Friuli”, now merged into ASUFC, carried out a 12-month pilot action, which ended in March 2020, in favor of people over 65 with a diagnosis of dementia of any type or Alzheimer’s disease, self-sufficient and non-self-sufficient, residing in the municipalities of Medio Friuli. One of the main challenges of the pilot action was precisely to link in a single function practices, protocols, networks of relationships and services that often appear disconnected from each other in the provision of services aimed at the elderly population, trying to diversify and integrate sources through which cases of people in need are reported. The pilot action involved 79 people, with the characteristics listed above, and a follow-up and evaluation action is underway which should be concluded in September and which also includes monitoring the evolution of the disease.
Remote sharing for CARe project
The aim of CaRe project is the development, regional piloting and evaluation of a superordinate cross-institutional CrM office, which serves as a regional contact point & counseling center for the system & care management of elderly people in need of care and their caring relatives. The planned activities are: Horizontal coordination activities, kick offs, intermediate […]