17 September 2019
Friday, the 20th of September, in Trieste – at the Hotel Continentale, San Nicolò Hall, 1st floor (Via Dante 6 / A), starting from 09.45 am – Informest organizes the Infoday dedicated to schools across the region to share experiences, results and guidelines of one of the most important and innovative FVG school mobility programs in recent years, the BLUE KEP project, dedicated to training in the “sea supply chain”.
The BLUE KEP project, of which Informest is the leadoartner of a partnership composed of the Adriatic Ionian Euroregion, the Marche Region, the Istria Region, the Development Agency of the Sibenik County and the Agency for the coordination and development of the County of Split Dalmatia is financed by the Interreg Italy-Croatia 2014-2020 program.
The Infoday promoted by Informest aims to be an opportunity to capitalize on the international mobility program built over the 21 months of the project, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of this training course and providing new guidelines for all the operational phases of new programs international mobility: from the accreditation of schools to the selection of students, from the recognition of acquired skills (training credits) in periods abroad to the implementation of school-work alternation, from the preparation of teachers to that of students.
BLUE KEP has involved a total of 38 students and 12 technical and nautical institutes from Italy and Croatia, for a total of 45 days of cultural and professional exchange between two different countries and school systems.
BLUE KEP gathers Friuli Venezia Giulia’s long, almost ten-year experience in the field of international mobility applied to upper secondary schools: in particular, the FVG school system was among the first to realize the potential of international mobility applied to technical institutes and sectors strategic as the nautical/maritime and the tourist.
The Infoday, open to all schools in the Region, will give a voice to the teachers and students involved in the initiative, who will receive a certificate at the end of the work. Representatives of the four regional institutes selected to participate in the program will be present: ISIS Brignoli Einaudi Marconi of Gradisca (GO), ISIS Arturo Malignani of Udine, the Nautical Institute “Tomaso di Savoia Duca di Genova -Luigi Galvani “of Trieste and ENAIP Friuli Venezia Giulia.
The BLUE KEP project and the system of alternation school-work in cross-border cooperation with Croatia
BLUE KEP project aims to encourage standardization of technical schools curricula & knowledge mobility to support innovation; to increase availability of trained professionals in targeted sector with mutually recognized skills; to improve CB cooperation among targeted blue economy systems, clusters &complementary specializations. The project activities planned are: Diffusion of BLUE KEP Call for schools Organization […]