Climate changes in coastal areas: from Informest and APE FVG new tools are available for Italian and Croatian municipalities

20 March 2019

It’s called RESPONSe and it is an over two million euro European project, born to support Italian and Croatian public administrations in adopting intelligent governance approaches as response to the impacts and risks caused by climate changes.

RESPONSe, funded from the Italy – Croatia Territorial cooperation program, is guided by INFORMEST, Agency for Development of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, which has been able  to gather a winning partnership composed by Regional Energy Agencies, Universities and Research Institutes of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Marche,  Apulia and Croatia.

RESPONSe will support and reinforce local networks thanks to a high level of interaction between project partners, stakeholders and local authorities. There are also actions which are envisaged to promote and sensitize local administrations on the issue of climate change.

 “It is an important result for INFORMEST, which confirms its fundamental role of catalyst for economic resources in favour of the territory of our Region – says the President prof. Claudio Cressati. Also thanks to the collaboration with Energy Management Regional Agency – APE  with this project we will be able to provide Municipalities with some innovative tools in line with the most recent policies and European directives about energy saving. It will be the Municipality of Lignano Sabbiadoro, as pilot area, will be the first to get benefits form the activities and concrete tools”.

The Mayor of Lignano Sabbiadoro City Avv. Luca Fanotto stated: “I am particularly proud and honoured that Lignano Sabbiadoro City, considered central in the upper Adriatic coast, has been chosen as “case study” for the development of this important and actual project. In fact, the issue of climate changes is on the agenda also for our locality and the media coverage offered by the recent international demonstrations supported and held by Greta Thunberg require to all us institutions to place it among the first points of our agenda. Our City is already participating to other European projects:

MOBITOUR, partnered with the Škocjanske jame Park (a protected naturalistic site which enjoys the protection of UNESCO, included in the List of wetlands of international importance Ramsar), the Municipality of Piran, Kobilarna Lipica, the Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia and the Municipality of Caorle; S.U.T.R.A. partnered with the Municipality of Caorle, the Municipality of Ravenna, the City of Chioggia, the Municipality of Pescara, ISIG (Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia), Development Agency of the Šibenik-knin County, the City of Parenzo, the City of Dignano. The City of Spalato, the Split-Dalmatia County and the UTI Bassa Friulana Riviera.

Both projects are related to the environmental sustainability as a vehicle for promoting and upgrading our offer.

A third project, called CREW, partnered with the IUAV University of Venice, the City of Benedetto del Tronto, Neretvanska županija, Javna Ustanova Natura Histrica, Zadarska županija, the Province of Barletta Andria Trani and the University of Camerino is aimed to the implementation of a form of management of wet coastal areas (wetland contract), similar to “river contracts”, to help protect and restore biodiversity”.

RESPONSe projectual activities are expected to be ended by June 2022. The experience of the Municipality of Lignano Sabbiadoro will be as a masterplan for all the other coastal municipalities in northern Italy, which share the need of having a better planning to cope with the territory change caused by climate changes.

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Climate changes in coastal areas: from Informest and APE FVG new tools are available for Italian and Croatian municipalities

Climate changes in coastal areas: from Informest and APE FVG new tools are available for Italian and Croatian municipalities



The project aims at empowering local policy-makers to enable climate-smart governance approaches and promote sustainable living in Adriatic marine and coastal areas. RESPONSe will provide the tools to foster effective policy-making on climate adaptation at local level and support strategic decision-making on how best to address the effects of climate change on the coastal areas […]

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