Second partnership meeting for SMATH project

15 February 2019

The 18th and the 19th February 2019 in Athens will take place the second meeting for SMATH project – Smart atmospheres of social and financial innovation for innovative clustering of creative industries in MED area, funded by the Transactional Cooperation Program Interreg MED. The project lasts three years and it aims at improving quality and quantity of the connections between the cultural and the creative section, using innovative forms of aggregations – smart atmospheres.

During the meeting Informest will have the opportunity to discuss about results and the planification of upcoming activities participating together with the Culture and Sport Department of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia.

The launch meeting took place past June, and in November partners were involved in a two-days training about innovation of Creative Companies whit the goal of proposing, discussing and sharing the meaning of “smart atmosphere” which represents entirely the SMATH project. The view of some best practice provided to the partners practical tools, useful for shaping new “creative points” in a local/regional level, which will be able to assist creative companies.

The Culture and Sport Department of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, in collaboration with Informest, enter the project as partner alongside with: University Cà Foscari University of Venice, Agency for Territorial Marketing of Slovenia, Development Agency Zagreb, Barcelona Activa, Institute for Culture of the Municipality of Catalonia, Technopolis of the Municipality of Athens, the Culture and Heritage Industries Cluster of France and Regional Pole Image Internet Multimedia. SMATH’s leader is the Veneto Region, Human Capital Area, Culture and community programming –Cultural heritage Cultural activities and Sport Dept.

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Second partnership meeting for SMATH project

Second partnership meeting for SMATH project



SMATH project aims to improve the quality and quantity of connections between the publicy oriented domain of culture and the business oriented domain of creativity. SMATH intends to generate and strengthen “Smart Atmospheres” able to support the start-up and the development of SMEs in the CC sector facilitating the access to “culture factories” and value […]

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