BLUEKEP Project: first meeting with the four professional and technical secondary institutes of nautical, transport and logistics

24 September 2018

On Thursday 13th September Informest organized at its headquarters the first meeting with the four professional and technical secondary institutes of nautical, transport and logistics of the Region, involved in the project BLUEKEP, financed  by the Interreg Italy-Croatia programme. The project is implemented by Informest  as lead partner in cooperation with the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia.

The project is implemented by Informest  as lead partner in cooperation with the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia. The four high schools: ISIS “Brignoli Einaudi Marconi” of Gradisca (GO), the Nautical Institute “Tomaso di Savoia Duca di Genova – Luigi Galvani” of Trieste, the Institute “Arturo Maligani” of Udine and the EN.A.I.P (Institute A.C.L.I. of Professional Education) Friuli Venezia Giulia of Pasian di Prato were selected in April and their students will be beneficiaries of a mobility program with Croatia.

The meeting was aimed to define the objectives to reach during the activities that will be implemented throughout the project, starting with the participation in a workshop planned in October and addressed to selected teachers of the above listed schools, during which will be presented the different education systems of the two countries, the recognition of the procedures related to mobility and the realization of thematic international teaching modules that will be adopted in the mobility program next spring.

This program foresees that the involved students will attend the school in Croatia and carry out an internship in companies operating in the sectors of nautical and transport for a total duration of 45 days.

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BLUEKEP Project: first meeting with the four professional and technical secondary institutes of nautical, transport and logistics

BLUEKEP Project: first meeting with the four professional and technical secondary institutes of nautical, transport and logistics



BLUE KEP project aims to encourage standardization of technical schools curricula & knowledge mobility to support innovation; to increase availability of trained professionals in targeted sector with mutually recognized skills; to improve CB cooperation among targeted blue economy systems, clusters &complementary specializations. The project activities planned are: Diffusion of BLUE KEP Call for schools Organization […]

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