“30 projects an exhibition”: award ceremony and opening

9 March 2011

At the gallery Dora Bassi will be on public display from 10th March to 3rd April the 30 projects submitted by Italian and international architects for the redevelopment of the former Civil Hospital of Gorizia in the framework of the project “Youth area at the border”.
The opening ceremony and the award ceremony will take place at 4 pm at the Gallery itself, while at 6 pm, in the Auditorium della Cultura Friulana will hold a seminar during which the same winners and worthy of reporting will show the ideas presented to redevelop the former hospital area bordering the municipalities of Nova Gorica and Šempeter-Vrtojba.

Further information: www.spaziogiovanigorizia.eu, e-mail: info@spaziogiovanigorizia.eu

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“30 projects an exhibition”: award ceremony and opening

“30 projects an exhibition”: award ceremony and opening

Spazio Giovani alla Frontiera

Spazio Giovani alla Frontiera

Project objectives: The project aimed at organising an Ideas Competition to identify and design an international multicultural and multifunctional Youth Centre, likely to be built in the Northern area of the City earlier occupied by the Civil Hospital, and at drafting a feasibility plan for the renovation/requalification of the target area. Project activities: Identification of […]

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