Technical Assistance to Banja Luka Municipality

The TABLUM Project aimed at improving the quality level of utilities, especially in the fields of planning and management of water supply and waste removal services, in the Municipality of Banja Luka. This purpose was reached by providing the local administration with all the necessary knowledge and technical assistance. The task have been carried out under the supervision of a long-term Italian expert assigned to Municipality of Banja Luka for the entire duration of the project. He was in charge of constituting an Operative Unit at the Municipality where officers and other Municipality staff have been trained with the assistance of local experts. Prior to the training, the Operative Unit had to analyse the needs assessment of the services provided by the Municipality either with interviews, either with a questionnaire. After that, the Operative Unit identified the level and the quality of competences held by Municipality services. Consequently, it defined the beneficiaries and the contents of the training. Afterwards, a 15-day theoretical training programme was held at the Banja Luka Municipality and followed by a study tour to some Italian Public Utilities Companies, with particular regard to some significative aspects, such as the tarification criteria, the staff training, information to customers and the equipment. The project aimed at establishing contacts with Italian Public Utilities Companies in order to put into reality various forms of co-operation between the Banja Luka Municipality and Italian Public Utilities Companies.

Type of service

Provide Technical Assistance.

Creation of a local Operative Unit.

Provide qualified training to the beneficiaries.

Organization of study tours.

Organization and Management.

Monitoring, evaluation and reporting.

General information

Start date: 01/09/2003
End date: 31/08/2004

Role: Lead Partner

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