Opportunity and Ability of Accessing Community Grants for Co-financing of Development Projects in the Scope of the Region

50 civil servants of different departments of the Regional Administration have been selected for the participation in a training activity focused on the EU Internal Policy and related programmes. The training cornerstones were:

  • role of action programmes or the EU Internal Policy implementation;
  • EU communication policy and information tools; in-depth analysis of the EU internet sites;
  • understanding principles and reading ability of the new EU Budget;
  • partnership establishment for European projects generation;
  • methodology of the successful project drafting; Project Cycle Management;
  • reading the call for proposals; Logical Framework Analysis;
  • partnership based projects drafting and management;
  • public – private projects administration.

All items have been supported by the presentation of selected case studies and success stories. 24 hours of collective training repeated in two different seats for a total of 8 teaching days have been organised, plus four days of distance-learning supported by a telematic help-desk managed by the EuroInfo Centre IT388 – Friuli Venezia Giulia, hosted by Informest. A Technical Scientific Committee supervised the training implementation and evaluation of training results.

Type of service

Project drafting.

Presentation and promotion to the relevant civil servants.

Scientific coordination of the trainers.

Support for handouts delivery.

Teaching activity.

Distance learning provision by EIC IT388.

Participation to monitoring and evaluation activity.

Final reporting on achieved results and learned lessons in the interest of the Regional Administration.

General information

Start date: 01/06/2003
End date: 30/11/2003

Role: Ente Attuatore

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