Mercati aperti

Mercati Aperti (Open Markets)

Project objectives:

  • Assisting SMEs that operate on international markets (especially in New Member States and Eastern Europe in general);
  • Informing enterprises about economic opportunities in foreign markets;
  • Identifying SMEs assistance needs, in particular concerning the selection of foreign markets and partners;
  • Defining innovative enterprise strategies essential to identify: new market opportunities; new foreign partners; new trans-national sources of innovation;
  • Generating new development and internationalisation projects on a territorial basis;
  • Extending the international network of relationships between enterprises, suppliers of consultancy, centres of excellence and innovation, bodies and programmes for local development, governmental agencies and chambers of commerce;
  • Promoting collaboration with EU and foreign partners, with particular attention to those located in the new EU Member States.

Project activities:

  • Matchmaking events, seminars, conferences;
  • Support to specific dynamic sectors to build common strategies to approach new foreign markets;
  • Mapping of SMEs in the project eligible areas;
  • Opening of Information Points;
  • Creation of a project website.

Type of service

Organization of events and seminars for SMEs.

Participation in international trade fairs.

Market researches.

Company visits.

General information

Start date: 01/02/2004
End date: 31/12/2006

Role: Partner

Project logo

Mercati aperti

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