Clustering knowledge, Innovation and Design in the SEE WOOD sector

The main objective of the project is to foster innovation and competitiveness of SMEs in the wood

manufacturing sector in the SEE area by sharing and transferring technical and organizational know-how to enable local support organizations (wood clusters, wood technological centres and RDAs), to address structural deficits of SMEs and enhance innovation potentials of the productive sector. In particular, the specific project objectives are:

–  to build up and consolidate transnational network of wood-furniture clusters, wood technology centres, RDAs and knowledge poles (Universities, Design Institutes) that will share organizational models and pool complementary expertise to set up mechanisms to support the SME population in innovation processes;

–  to foster innovation skills in the wood sector supporting structures (wood clusters, wood tech centres and RDAs) creating new functions and competencies on design, intellectual property and environmental issues needed to support innovation processes in SMEs;

–  to bridge gaps between the productive sector and knowledge poles (Universities dealing with wood related technology or industrial design centres;

–  to rise SME capacity to implement innovation processes.

Type of service

Main project outputs and results are the following:

–       WP3 “Need analysis and development strategies for the wood sector”

Outputs: 12 Regional analysis and need assessment of the wood sector; 4 transnational working groups; 10 development plans for wood technology centres; 9 development plans for wood cluster; 12 guidelines for the development of the sector; 12 workshops with policy level

Results: adoption of development plans and strategic guidelines for growth and innovation of the wood sector by policy maker level in SEE involved regions.


–       WP4 “Innovation, capacity building and support actions in the wood sector”

Outputs: 3 sessions of course for cluster managers at transnational level; 4 courses at transnational level on innovation, design, environment; 9 operational agreements between support organizations and knowledge poles; 9 competitiveness development projects; 18 technical dissemination events; 135 cases of problem solving faced; 18 open days;

Results: improved capacities of support organizations in the wood sector; stronger cooperation between knowledge poles and productive sector; increased information flow towards wood sector SMEs; innovation, design and knowledge transferred at SMEs level, strengthened transnational cooperation among support organizations.


–       WP5 “Transnational Knowledge Clustering”

Outputs: 45 problem solving cases faced at transnational level; at least 5 reports on strategic topics disseminated in each region; 9 promotional events; 1 transnational conference in Croatia; 1 strategic programming laboratory; 1 network action plan

Results: strengthened transnational cooperation among support organizations; durable partnership and cohesion of the transnational network of support organizations and knowledge poles; transnational cooperation among wood SMEs of the different involved areas; sustainability of the transnational network/support system and SMEs cooperation after the project end.

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General information

Start date: 01/10/2012
End date: 31/12/2014

Role: Partner


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