Balcani On line 2

The Balkans On line 2

Project objectives:

  • Maintenance and enhancement of the information network created in the framework of the Project “Balcani on line”;
  • Development of the on line editorial office in order to manage and improve the information services provided;
  • Development of new information services;
  • Technical management of the on line editorial office and of the website.

Project activities:

On the basis of the activities and outputs of the Project “Balcani on line”, the project consisted in:

  • The creation of a more efficient on line editorial office: through an on line platform, Informest editorial staff daily collected coordinated and edited on the website the news provided by 7 ICE Offices operating in the beneficiaries Countries and by Informest itself.  The news were targeted at Italian SMEs and investors interested in the Balkan region. In addition, a staff of six persons monitored and translated to Italian the most interesting news published on local online newspapers in the beneficiary countries. Informest editorial staff selected and edited this press review;
  • The development of more efficient information retrieval tools on the website;
  • The collection and uploading of documents and news about events interesting for Italian SMES;
  • The drafting of articles promoting special initiatives and presenting interesting projects;
  • The creation of an innovative database of all the projects implemented thanks to the Italian Law 84/01: the online database has a search engine and an interactive map showing the areas involved in the searched projects initiatives;
  • The organization of an international event involving up to 150 participants from Italy and the project beneficiary countries. The event focused on IPA Adriatic Cross-Border cooperation programme and South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme. The participants were from public entities and institutions, development agencies, chambers of commerce, NGOs, universities and research centres, eligible projects promoters/partners in the framework of the above mentioned programmes. The participants were grouped in order to work on specific thematic working tables moderated by Informest staff.

Type of service

Project design, orgnanization and managemern.

Co-ordination of project activities.

Devolpment and management of the existing website

Collection of information from a wide range of sources, selection of collected data and editing on the website.

Providing SMEs with online information, documents and news regarding the Balkan area.

Promote initiatives, project and results implemented under Italian Law no.84/01 and other concerning Laws.

Organization of an international event involving public institutions from Italy and the Balkan area eligible for IPA-Adriatic Crossborder Programme and South East Europe Programme.

General information

Start date: 01/03/2008
End date: 31/03/2009

Role: Lead Partner

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