Demonstrative utilisation of alternative sources of energy in Moldova through crop cultivation experimentation

Project objectives:

The aim of the project was to support local economic development, rural diversification and use of alternative sources of energy in Falesti district, by introducing and experimenting agrarian crops to be used for energy purposes, through the set up of an agro-industrial process aimed at producing alternative energy from oleaginous crops (sunflower and canola).

Project activities:

  • Experimental cultivation of oleaginous crops;
  • Processing of oleaginous biomass and esterification of bio-diesel;
  • Utilisation for motor-traction and electric power generation in demonstrative farms;
  • Analysis of project results;
  • Economic missions of Italian and Romanian entrepreneurs in Moldova;
  • Study visits of Moldavian delegations in Italy and Romania;
  • Dissemination of project outcomes.

Expected results:

Enhancement of the multifunctional role of agriculture and diversification of economy. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, especially CO2, and improvement of the environmental quality standards. Stimulation to the creation of new income sources and new jobs thanks to the introduction of experimental cultivation.

Type of service

Partnership co-ordination.

Management of information flows.

Organisation of missions and visits in Italy, Moldova and Romania.

Monitoring, evaluation and reporting. 

General information

Start date: 01/12/2005
End date: 30/06/2006

Role: Ente Attuatore

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