Category: UnderwaterMuse

Underwatermuse project take stock of project pilot actions

Underwatermuse project take stock of project pilot actions

On November 24, the UnderwaterMuse Steering Committee and the  Thematic Meeting will take place in Grado, hosted by ERPAC FVG, lead partner of the project co-financed by the European program Interreg Italy Croatia, with the support of the technical assistance of Informest. The appointment will be an opportunity to take stock of the pilot actions […]

Finally the UnderwaterMuse’s work on Grado2 wreck are concluded

Finally the UnderwaterMuse’s work on Grado2 wreck are concluded

On Wednesday 15th of September, the search, protection and enhancement of the wreck of a Roman wreck, known as “Grado 2“, was completed. It was one of the three pilot interventions of the Cross-border Cooperation Program Interreg Italy-Croatia 2014-2020 “UnderwaterMuse” project, led by the Regional Body for Cultural Heritage of Friuli Venezia Giulia – ERPAC […]

UnderwaterMuse: Pilot project “Grado 2”

UnderwaterMuse: Pilot project “Grado 2”

The search, protection and enhancement of the wreck of a Roman boat off the coast of Grado, known as “Grado 2”, will start on the 12th of August. This is one of the three pilot interventions of the “UnderwaterMuse” project, approved and funded under the Cross-border Cooperation Program – Interreg Italy-Croatia 2014 – 2020, led […]

UnderwaterMuse: ongoing thematic insights and promotion

UnderwaterMuse: ongoing thematic insights and promotion

Despite the emergency situation, UnderwaterMuse project also continues its activities, closing the document on the Status quo of underwater cultural heritage enhancement and stakeholders involvement and publishing on the Facebook page some interesting thematic insights.The project was also promoted via radio, within Sconfinamenti –Radio RAI FVG of 16th July. Download the podcast here.

UnderwaterMuse: underwater archeology for accessible tourism

UnderwaterMuse: underwater archeology for accessible tourism

On the 10th and the 11th of April, in Trieste, was held the kick off meeting of the UnderwaterMuse territorial cooperation project funded by Interreg Italy-Croatia Program. The partnership, led by ERPAC, supported by INFORMEST, is composed by Italian and Croatian foundations and research institution such as: Cà Foscari University, Puglia Region, Kastel City (Croatia) […]

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