Last 29th November, a special digital study visit entitled “Culture and business: study visit of the CROSSINNO EU-funded project” was held, organised within the CROSSINNO project funded by the Interreg Italy-Austria. Four different case studies of enterprises that were able to combine traditional manufacturing with creativity were presented during the event: Bonotto, Lavanderia Adriatica, 3MC and Amorim Cork Italia.
Materials are available here.
The study visit was introduced by Elena Zambelli (Chamber of Commerce Treviso Belluno-Dolomiti) and was chaired by Dr. Francesco Marcorin (curator at Palladio Museum). Conclusions were offered by Antonio Calabrò, director at Fondazione Pirelli, deputy chairman Assolombarda, chairman Museimpresa. The event was moderated by journalist Diana Cavalcoli (Corriere della Sera).
Despite the constraints related to the current covid-19 pandemic, the digital study visit succeeded in providing the audience with the opportunity not only to discover 4 different companies – their history, their brand culture, their future projects – but also to discuss the positive outcomes that partnerships and connections between corporations and cultural and creative industries can bring about, also in terms of territorial development.
CROSSINNO Project –Study visit
The companies located in the Alpine area often find obstacles to launching innovation processes that could be adequate, sustainable and that enhance the specificity of the environment in which they are established. Their location represents at the same time a wealth and a limit and requires approaches capable of overcoming physical and technological barriers. The […]