BLUE KEP: on-line the project recommendations

7 May 2020

The Issue 55 of the magazine “Quaderni di orientamento“, published by the Directorate for Work, Training, Education and the Family of Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region, was recently distributed, with the article including the recommendations deriving from the results obtained in BLUE KEP, a project co-financed by the Programme CBC Italy-Croatia, where Informest played as Lead partner.

The project dealt with the development of international cultural exchange and learning programs for secondary high school students and, specifically, mobility, the marine supply chain and professional qualification with the aim of integrating and harmonizing the educational systems of the Adriatic-Ionian area.

Here is the download link for the magazine in pdf.
The article, in Italian and English, begins on page 52

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BLUE KEP: on-line the project recommendations

BLUE KEP: on-line the project recommendations



BLUE KEP project aims to encourage standardization of technical schools curricula & knowledge mobility to support innovation; to increase availability of trained professionals in targeted sector with mutually recognized skills; to improve CB cooperation among targeted blue economy systems, clusters &complementary specializations. The project activities planned are: Diffusion of BLUE KEP Call for schools Organization […]

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