The BLUE KEP Project GUIDEBOOK is out!

11 December 2019

The BLUE KEP Guidebook, the project co-financed by the INTERREG Italy-Croatia program and with Informest as lead-partner, has just come out. The publication contains the description of the main project features , the implementation of the activities during the 21 months and the results achieved.

For the Guidebook, other material and further information see the project website

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The BLUE KEP Project GUIDEBOOK is out!

The BLUE KEP Project GUIDEBOOK is out!



BLUE KEP project aims to encourage standardization of technical schools curricula & knowledge mobility to support innovation; to increase availability of trained professionals in targeted sector with mutually recognized skills; to improve CB cooperation among targeted blue economy systems, clusters &complementary specializations. The project activities planned are: Diffusion of BLUE KEP Call for schools Organization […]

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