PATH DEV project presented at the “Blue Growth” Master of the University of Trieste

19 September 2019

On 17th September at the headquarters of the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS) of Trieste took place the Autumn Session of the Master in Blue Sustainable Growth “Blue Growth” organized by the OGS and the University of Trieste.

On that occasion, INFORMEST and the FVG Regional Council participated by presenting the path, results and perspectives of the “PATH DEV – Pilot action in the fisheries sector for Libyan economic development” project. The Master supports the creation of stable and attractive blue career pathways throughout strengthening professional skills and enhancing competencies in fields related to sustainable blue growth.

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PATH DEV project presented at the “Blue Growth” Master of the University of Trieste

PATH DEV project presented at the “Blue Growth” Master of the University of Trieste


PATH-DEV project aims to  develope local sustainable economic of the fishing sector; create and implement training and teaching activities for strengthening capacities and know-how of local technical experts and private actors of the fishing sector. The planned activities are various: Training in Italy of Libyan technical experts for evaluation of material and immaterial assets of […]

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