Local Economic Development Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Gorazde Business Centre Opening

18 April 2016

With a responsive opening ceremony started its activities the Business Service Centre in Gorazde, a city located in Podrinje Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Centre, which will be the core of the new Business Improvement Zone of the city, was financed by IPA Programme funds for local development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the coordination of OXFAM Italy and the support of Informest, Podrinje Canton, Gorazde Municipality and Gorazde Chamber of Commerce.

It’s the first concrete achievement of the project. The first step was to renovate an historic building in the city centre that today is converted to a multi-used building for business activities of the area,  encouraging the local economic development.

Large  support to the initiative was shown by local authorities and the European Commission, present to the opening ceremony. The EU Commission sent a clear message of support to this kind of initiatives that are able to produce positive effects to the economic growth of the area, an area with great development potential in tourism, agri-food sector, textile industry and car industry.

Objective of the project BIH LED, officially launched last June with 440.547,24 Euro overall financing, is to contribute to the creation of new jobs opportunities and boosting local companies. Better services will be provided together with essential structures in this area still marked by the war.

The centre will play a key role in all the entrepreneurial activities and education of local workers.  Informest, with the support of OXFAM, will coordinate these activities, transferring the best practices earned with experience at European and regional level, and supporting the development of an entrepreneurial culture in Gorazde.

A training workshop organized by Informest in the Centre is schedule in June on the topic of river tourism, as a meaning of sharing successful experiences recently achieved in EU project field. In the future Informest also aims to share with local representatives its experience in cluster policy, organizing other specific meetings to measure the potential of cluster development.

LED BIH – Gorazde BIZ

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to economic growth and employment generation in Gorazde area through development of Business Improvement Zone (BIZ) for SMEs and entrepreneurship development. Business improvement zone will be located in the area in the centre of Gorazde (former old part of the City) where SMEs will be able […]

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