Final event with the presentation of the results of the Project ENJOY TOUR – Enjoy your meal on the transfrontalier roads of taste is held Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 10:00 am at the San Martin Šmartno (Brda). During the morning the Project Partners will intervene on the Following Topics: Restoring the apiary of Idrija , enhancing of beekeeping in the area of Caporetto, fishing tourism in the cross-border area Italy – Slovenia, promotion of the territories and products; presentation of the “Faladur”, place of promotion and sale of local products and the promotion of local products through the activities of Project ENJOY TOUR:
Simultaneous translation in Slovene and Italian will be guaranteed.
Attached the Program Event.
Enjoy Tour: final conference March 12 2015
The main objective is the sustainable development of tourism in cross boarder rural area, based on the link among the typical local products and food, the natural richness and all existing thematic itineraries. Operative goals are: Objective 1: to preserve and develop typical agricultural and fish food of the cross boarder area. Objective 2: to […]