23 September 2013
It will be held in Sežana, Tuesday October 1, 2013 at 9:00 am, at the headquarters of OOZ (http://www.ooz-sezana.si/) in Kraška ulica 6, the workshop dedicated to cross-border tourism network of Italian-Slovenian Karst , entitled “Guidelines for Marketing intensive”. The meeting, organized by the Regional Economic Slovenian Union, forms part of the initiatives promoted by the project on the territory “iCON – Competitiveness of SMEs, innovation and business cooperation,” a strategic project of the program of cross-border cooperation Italy-Slovenia co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development. The event program is attached.
Cross-border touristic network of Karst – Guidelines for intensive marketing
The general objective of the project is the strengthening of competitiveness of SMEs in the cross border area through the development of cooperation activities and the creation of networks among enterprises, with the general aim to develop competitiveness of the cross border territory toward the global market. Specific objectives: Promotion of R&D and of the […]